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Heartburn No More by Jeff Martin Reviews | Book PDF Download

Heartburn No More review

Heartburn is the pain felt in the chest, it usually occurs by eating acidic foods. Problems such as poor digestion and difficulty swallowing make your life unstable. Insufficient care for food and nutrition is the main cause of many modern diseases and problems. There are millions of people who regularly suffer from heartburn and have tested various products and programs to watch the results.  Often the problem is related to other habits that show you, so you need to change the whole lifestyle to see the changes. One of the options that can help you with all these issues in this Heartburn No More book. This helps to cure this problem by its unique method.

What is Heartburn No More?

Heartburn No More is a 150-page guide that will help you deal with heartburn. This proven, drug-free system provides comprehensive advice so that the reader can eliminate the symptoms of acid reflux and heartburn. This unique 5-step plan provides natural strategies to overcome all related digestive problems. Written by real heartburn sufferer Jeff Martin, reads his personal story with practical, natural solutions for his readers.

In the case of heartburn, symptoms can significantly affect the overall quality of life. Regardless of your age and weight, but you can achieve the best results with this versatile system. The system is not a quick solution, focusing not only on symptoms of the problem but also on training patients in dealing with the various problem.

heartburn no more program review

How Does Heartburn No More Works?

This system teaches you what to do to change your overall health. Often, this is not just a small thing that causes heartburn. There are many changes that you can make to your diet, but these must be long-term solutions. If you can not make simple, significant changes, the program will not work for you. Heartburn No More which is a solution that can be used in everyday life. It offers a different way of eating and living, within just 8 weeks it will change your health. It also informs you how prescription tablets work, why you do not need them and what your symptoms are. All this information is valuable and can help you better understand your situation. This comprehensive guide is different from what exists and can help men and women, regardless of age. It is easy to follow and isn’t written in a way that will confuse you.

What Will You Get From Heartburn No More?

  • This helps to identify the most effective food against acid reflux, which you should eat and what to avoid.
  • This program has breathing exercises that allow the body to heal, balance hormone production.
  • It has a simple procedure that reduces gastric acid symptoms within 2 days.
  • Stress, Insomnia, and Heartburn these problems can be removed permanently from your life by this Program.
  • No major procedure, surgery or drugs needed.
  • There is no awakening in the middle of the night with a burning heart.


  •     This gives you the perfect instructions to change your health.
  •     The product has a money back guarantee.
  •     The book will update automatically and therefore it will not be outdated.
  •     The system offers the best solution for this problem
  •     This program provides the most effective customer support.


  • This will not show its results overnight, you should have some patience about the results.
  • It is available only in Digital Format, you cannot get this in Print format.


Heartburn is no longer a problem with this wonderful product package. The author has collected all the information needed for heartburn from his life. So do not let this problem interfere with your suffering. It’s time to kick out of this problem from your life. Heartburn No More is 2-month direct money back guarantee. This means that you can test the system for 60 days without any risk. If you are not completely satisfied with the results. Try this Heartburn No More, it will not fail you. So, Do not miss this Opportunity.

heartburn no more pdf download

What You Say, What People Hear

What You Say, What People Hear

Communication between partners often gets confusing, and there is a very good reason for this. Most of the time, the words we use have far less impact than the energy behind the words. Therefore, what you say is often not what the other person hears.

The energy behind a communication is determined by our INTENTION. In much of the communication between partners, there are two different intentions that can motivate any given communication: we are often either intent upon controlling the other person, or intent upon learning about ourselves and our partner. The difference in energy between these two intentions is what frequently creates the confusion in communication.

For example, in one of my phone counseling sessions with Joshua, he complained about the fact that his wife, Joan, often gets upset with him over seemingly minor issues. A recent conflict had occurred over a book she was reading. He had asked her why she was reading that particular book, and she had responded to him with irritation.

“Joshua,” I asked, “why were you asking her about the book?”

“I was just curious.”

“Go deeper,” I said. “Was there anything about the book that was threatening to you?”

“Well….yeah. It was a book about women and codependency.”

“And what was threatening to you?”

“I’m afraid of Joan pulling away from me.”

“So, which intent do you think was operating at that moment - the intent to control her or the intent to learn about yourself and her?”

“I guess to be honest, I have to say that I was wanting to control. When I think back on it, I think my tone of voice may have been blaming. Joan always tells me that she hates how much I try to control her, and I always think she is wrong about that. But I think I was trying to control her.”

“And she responded to your intent to control with irritation, which is what is happening frequently in your relationship, right?”

“Right. So what would I have said if I was open to learning?”

“It’s not so much the words as it is the energy behind the words. The energy behind the words, ‘Why are you reading that book?” is totally different when the intent is to control than when the intent is to learn. The same words can be said with a blaming, shaming edge, or with real caring and curiosity. It is your intent that determines the energy behind the words. Joan was not responding to the words themselves, but to the blaming and shaming behind the words. This is what is causing the confusion for you regarding your communication with her. The exact same words can communicate two totally different things, depending upon the intent. And the chances are that if you had not felt threatened by the book, you might not have even questioned her about why she was reading it.”

“Yes, I can see where that is probably true. Okay, I got it. I’ve been trying to control her and that is what she is responding to, not to the words I’ve been using.”

Joshua started to notice his intent. Every time Joan got irritated or distant from him, he noticed that his intent was to control. It was a big challenge to shift out of trying to control her, since he had been doing this most of his life in all his relationships, but Joshua was very motivated to change. He knew that if he didn’t, he ran the risk of losing his marriage. He started to focus on taking loving care of himself and his own feelings instead of trying to change Joan.

As Joshua became more aware of his intent, he was able to consciously shift his intent from controlling to learning about taking care of himself. As his intent shifted, the energy of his communications with Joan shifted, and their relationship greatly improved. Joshua was thrilled with the deeper understanding and intimacy that was growing between them.

What you should know about Russian women

What you should know about Russian women

Looking for reliable companion and caring friend? Why a Russian wife?

I am sure that you will be quite surprised to learn that most women of European background on matrimonial sites are Russian, particularly with matrimonial services that are meant to foster marriage and dedicated to those who wish to create a family. While dating sites are loaded with ladies from other countries.

Then also, there are hardly any religious (spiritual) i.e. Christian Russian or Muslim Russian matrimonial sites.

You might have been (and still are) wondering why Russian women? The answer is rather simply profound: Russian ladies are naturally very family orientated and much more homely than most of other ladies from the USA and Europe. And Russian women generally put family above career or anything else.

Maybe with time and the rapidly spreading ideas of equality and growing feminism, this phenomena will slowly diminish and perhaps even disappear, but the phenomena of beautiful intelligent women whose priorities are still a husband and children and not a socialite life and career predominates. But for now men from all over the world can consider themselves really lucky that such women still exist. And that in one woman one can find all one can ever dream of: loyalty, beauty, femininity, intelligence, passion, sharp mind, kind, loving heart, faithfulness, understanding, broad vision, excellent shape, numerous talents and skills, romantic nature, willingness to learn, ability to adapt and to sacrifice. The Russian mystical nature blended with a natural instinct given to all women by mother-nature: desire to love and to be loved, to have a family, to make a husband happy and to take good care of children, smart companion, beautiful apple of one's eye, supportive caring friend, loving wife, passionate love and protective mother makes for contentment and a stress-free life.

In comparison to some "masculine" ladies, Russian women are never oppressive or abusive, but rather soft-spoken. But at the same time not silly and submissive who cannot stand up for herself when injustice is done.

As it is said in one of a world famous poem of the last century: "… There are women in Russian areas…. Beautiful faces, queen's walk, who would dare to stop a running horse, who are not scared to enter a burning house." So basically all such qualities are in Russian blood and taken root since many centuries before.

All of these, fortunately for men, are in the Russian make-up and in their upbringing. Did you know that many Russian women are fond of Indian culture and movies? That they are very inclined to spirituality and mysticism?. Even the scripts of ballets such as Swan lake and many other pieces are specially re-written for Russians to make a happy ending. (for Russians the end MUST be a happy one).

In short what one can say about Russian women in general: full of beauty, love, care and life. Treasures of pearl, with high consciousness of justice, who for goodness received will reward tenfold.

When Cupid Hits

When Cupid Hits
I used to live a simple, happy life. I call it happy, but it was more of a peaceful life. Happiness has different meanings at different times. Till a woman gives birth, she does not know what is happiness of being in love with the child. Is it not true? It was same with me.

Talking of love, I had read quite a lot in books and seen many movies. But love, the emotion was unknown to me. Then I fell in love and my world changed suddenly. I cannot say that I used to see stars in bright sun light, but I can surely say that for me the days became as lovely as the nights. We used to share everything.

I used to read my poetries to her on telephone and she listened. That simple sharing was heavenly. The same ice cream used to taste totally differently when we used to share from the same cup. What she bought for me was commonly available in the shops, but I used to wear those clothes as if they were directly delivered fro heaven. I can go on and on about what all we shared and loved. As I said before that I had read about love, but did not know about it. I came to know about love only after falling in love.

If you are not in love, please fall in love. There is nothing comparable to love in giving joy. If you are already in love, please make use of every moment to experience it. Love comes as a blessing of God. Love is a blessing and one need not know about heaven if one is in love. Why one falls in love with a particular person? Why one feels different in love? Why one likes the feeling of love more than anything else? Why one forgets one's identity in love? And why one dies when the beloved leaves for no reason, is a mystery. Please enjoy life when you are in love. Enjoy every moment and live it.

Who Wants to Live in a Time Bomb

Who Wants to Live in a Time Bomb

Here are a few reasons why you do not want to move in with a friend and some personal experiences from when I lived with my 2 best friends.

Personal Space and Quiet time:
When living with friends you will not have any privacy or quiet time, and the closer the friends you are the worse it will be. You may not realize it now but you are not always in the mood to be with your friends sometimes you may want to just sit in your room and relax, and if a friend called you up you could say you were busy but if you live with a friend they will be knocking on the door and bothering you all the time, and good friends will often borrow things of yours without asking you. Where as someone you found online will usually leave you alone when your door is closed except for something important.

My old roommate would always go into my room to borrow my things no matter how much I asked her not to, and every time I asked she would get insulted because it was her so it should be ok with me.

The reason why you moved in to an apartment is because you needed help being able to afford your expenses, and someone you don't know will usually be more responsible with making sure they have the money to bay their half of the bills then a friend will, a friend will ask you to help them out when they are short on cash.

One of my friends would always spend his rent or bill money in online casinos playing blackjack, or in poker rooms online. I like to play some poker online just as much as anyone else but I always made sure to not gamble in an online casino with my rent money. If I was short on money I would not gamble, but I would never allow myself to not have the money to pay my share of the bills.

Cleaning of the Shared Spaces:
In the past roommates I had found in the news paper always made sure that any space we shared like the kitchen or living room was kept clean. If you cooked something any mess was cleaned from the counter and pots, pans and plates would be put in the sink and were taken care of within 12 hours, but friends may take advantage of the slack you will give to a friend, because they know you would be ok with it.

One friend of mine hated anything being left in the sink for any amount of time and if it was left fore more then an hr or 2 she would complain, so me and my other roommate started cleaning the dishes as soon as we were done with them, only to find that she would leave her dishes sometimes for days and when questioned about it she said that her seeing our dishes bothered her but her dishes did not bother her so it was ok for her to leave them.

Power Consumption:
Unless your roommate has lots of money and lets face it if they had cash they would not need a roommate, then they will be looking to save money and not want to waste money on electricity, and once you agree on things like using the dryer or air conditioning two roommates who meet online or from an add in the paper will usually respect the rules better then two friends will. Friends will usually bend the rules, like leaving the computer on all day or running the ac all night.

My friends used to leave their Air conditionings on all day long and would often leave their rooms and even the apartment without turning them off, and instead of being more responsible for their actions they would make up excuses like "oops I forgot".

These are just some of the many reasons you should avoid living with friends, especially if you want to keep them as friends. It is one thing if a friend needs a place to stay for a week or two but never ever let them move in.

7 Model Rambut Anak Perempuan Poni + Hairstyle Poni Anak Perempuan Korea

Model Rambut Anak Perempuan Poni

Bagi orangtua yang berharap memiliki seorang gadis kecil, tentunya ketika si kecil tumbuh besar, perasaan yang luar biasa adalah bermain dengannya seperti bermain dengan boneka.

Menyisir rambutnya. Mengenakan pakaian yang lucu-lucu. Sehingga membuat tampilannya semakin imut menggemaskan.

Di sini, kami memberikan 7 ide bagus untuk potongan rambut anak perempuan dengan poni, ditambah 15 model poni anak perempuan korea. 

Poni adalah bentuk potongan rambut yang menutupi dahi. Dalam bahasa Inggris disebut dengan bangs atau fringe.

Mudah-mudahan, dapat menjadi inspirasi buat anda.

1. Rambut Panjang dengan Poni Melengkung

Model Rambut Anak Perempuan Poni
Potongan rambut luar biasa yang cocok untuk siapa pun, tetapi terutama yang berwajah bulat. Bentuk poni yang melengkung menciptakan bingkai yang bagus untuk wajah, membuat wajah tampak lebih panjang. Panjang poni sebenarnya tergantung pada ukuran dahi. Dahi yang lebih tinggi mungkin cocok dengan poni panjang, sedangkan dahi yang lebih pendek cocok dengan poni yang lebih pendek.

2. Rambut Panjang Berlapis dengan Poni Pembingkai Wajah

Rambut Panjang dengan Poni Pembingkai Wajah
Bukankah gaya rambut ini cantik? Itu benar-benar menekankan wajah, terutama mata. Mata seorang anak benar-benar indah tidak peduli ukuran, bentuk, dan warnanya. Pinggiran lapisan benar-benar cantik dan memberikan tampilan lembut secara keseluruhan

3. Rambut Lurus Panjang dengan Poni Lurus Tumpul

3. Rambut Lurus Panjang dengan Poni Lurus Tumpul
Ini adalah potongan rambut gadis kecil konvensional lainnya - rambut panjang dengan poni. Keuntungannya adalah Anda bisa bermain dengan jutaan cara berbeda. Anda bisa menaruhnya dalam kepang, jepit rambut, ikatan rambut, dan berbagai pita dan busur!

4. Panjang Sedang dengan Pinggiran Samping

Panjang Sedang dengan Pinggiran Samping

Rambut yang sangat cantik dan juga serba guna. Anda akan memiliki waktu yang indah untuk bereksperimen dan menata rambut gadis kecil Anda.

5. Bob pendek dengan Poni Tebal

Bob mungkin hanya lambang rambut gadis kecil. Itu sangat cocok untuk mereka, dan poni tebal hanya menambah kepolosan tampilan. Anda dapat mendandani tampilan ini dengan banyak aksesori berbeda, favoritnya adalah busur, ikat kepala, dan jepit rambut.

6. Peri Keci dengan Poni Panjang Satu Sisi

Peri Keci dengan Poni Panjang Satu Sisi

Lihatlah potongan rambut ini! Sebenarnya ada banyak orang dewasa yang memakai rambut seperti ini, tetapi juga cocok untuk anak-anak! Triknya adalah jangan membuatnya terlalu parah dengan menjadi terlalu pendek - minta lebih banyak lapisan, semakin lembut, semakin baik.

7. Blunt Bangs (Poni tumpul)

Blunt Bangs (Poni tumpul)
Poni tumpul sangat populer di kalangan gadis kecil karena itu hanya gambar kepolosan dan kelucuan. Ini juga menekankan mata mereka dan membingkai wajah mereka sedemikian rupa sehingga Anda tidak bisa mendapatkan cukup kelucuan mereka!

Lihat Juga Poni Rambut Anak Perempuan Korea

Rambut Poni Anak Perempuan Korea

Apa Tujuan Menyiram Batang Singkong Saat Ditanam ?

Apa Tujuan Menyiram Batang Singkong Saat Ditanam

Ubi kayu atau singkong adalah makanan yang banyak digemari masyarakat Indonesia. Ada yang diolah dengan cara direbus, dibakar, dan digoreng. Tak hanya umbinya, daun singkong pun juga dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai sayuran, maupun lalapan.

Dalam proses penanaman tanaman singkong, pertama yang harus diperhatikan adalah  musim dan curah hujan. Pada lahan yang kering, waktu menanam yang paling baik yaitu awal musim hujan ataupun setelah musim penanaman padi. Jarak tanam yang umumnya digunakan untuk pola monokulturan yakni sekitar 80 cm x 120 cm.

Sebelum bibit singkong ditanam, sangat disarankan agar bibit tersebut direndam dengan pupuk hayati SOT HCS yang dicampur dengan air selama 3-4 jam. Setelah itu, ubi kayu dapat ditanam di lahan. Dengan merendamnya, akan bermanfaat untuk pertumbuhan dari bibit.

Cara penanaman ubi kayu dilakukan dengan membuat ujung bawah batangnya lebih runcing, kemudian tanamkan sedalam 5-10 cm atau kurang lebih 1/3 bagian batang dapat tertimbun tanah.

Tetapi apabila tanah tersebut keras atau berat dan lembab, batang ubi kayu cukup ditanamkan saja ke tanah.

Pertanyaannya, apa tujuan menyiram batang singkong saat ditanam?

Batang tanaman singkong yang ditanam membutuhkan perawatan agar cepat tumbuh daun dan subur.
Di awal penanaman, tujuan penyiraman adalah untuk menjaga agar tanah dalam keadaan lembah sehingga akar singkong cepat tumbuh, dan dapat menyerap zat hara dari dalam tanah.

Why An Online Partner Could Be The Best Choice For Marriage?

Why An Online Partner Could Be The Best Choice For Marriage?

Selecting a mate should be the most crucial decision of our lives. But if it happens to fell in love we all are forgetting about any decision. We are like hypnotized, and even if  our friends, family and even our ration is telling us that the person we love is not a good choice for us, we don’t give any importance to this.

All what you know when you are deeply in love with someone is that you want her/him to be with you, as closer as it could be, and as longer as it could be. What is the answer to these expectations? You already know it: MARRIAGE!

What happen after the marriage? In honeymoon all things go great: the hotel room is clean, the food at the restaurant is great and even if it isn’t, it is nobody faults. Am I right?

But after this period you two had a lot of time together, things are starting to change. You start to see that your husband/wife doesn’t use a very elevate vocabulary, maybe she/he is not very interested in making a career like you supposed to, and eventually he/she has not to many qualities that you have expected in your life partner. You wake up from that state of hypnosis, you are starting to panic and argues are starting to be more and more frequent. It takes a good amount of time since you can accept that you have made a mistake. What’s next? Divorce I suppose.

What I mean to tell is that romantic love is a poor basis for a marriage. In a long relationship, romance, sex and passion are pretty different to how they are in the initial states.
We should spend a huge amount of time and energy trying to find that special someone. We should know closer someone before falling in love, and ONLINE DATING is giving us this possibility.
By talking online we are protected of falling in love too deeply because the real chemistry can happen only when we are meeting someone face to face, when we can see his/her smile, when we can touch his/her skin, when we can feel his/her smell.

In these conditions we are not missing the "decision" part, that moment when we are following our ration not our instincts.  I am not saying that we should not follow our intuition or instincts but we never forget completely about our ration. Ration is what makes a difference between human beings and animals.

Animals are making choices too by following their instincts only, but they are not having any bills to pay and neither have to find a subject to discus about while are taking the dinner. :)

So protect yourself from falling in love with an inappropriate person, take the time to browse some online profiles and you will see how many opportunities you have. There are thousands of singles and some of them have those qualities you expect your future life partner to have. Just find your perfect match!

Why Are Russian Women So Popular? Learn The Secrets

Why Are Russian Women So Popular Learn The Secrets
This topic has been debated many times but the question still exists: "Why do a lot of single men choose the finest Russian women, pretty girls, Russian ladies looking for men?" Frankly, I get asked this question a lot. What's so special about a Russian woman?
If you ask yourself these questions, you'll probably find helpful information in this article.

According to the latest census, Russia is home to 10 million more women then men, said State Statistics Committee head V.Sokolin.
The number of women in their 30s exceeds the number of men significally. After the divorce, the woman with a kid (or with no kids) has little chance of getting married again in Russia, according to sociologists.

There are no men in Russia to get married to: mortality rate of the working age males is extremely high.
Keeping these stats in mind, check your dating opportunities in Russia as well. You will be shocked by the quality of Russian women looking for men.

The proverb 'Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder' confirms that tastes differ. The woman one man considers to be beautiful, another may think she is not. Effortless grace... Charming smile... Kindness... Beautiful cheekbones... Fair hair and skin...? Hard to choose... Possibly, it makes an irresistible mix.
Let's see it by the eyes of men. This is how Western men describe a genuine Russian woman: "Slant to the eyes...", "I can't resist this stunning beauty...", "Russian women are the most beautiful women I have seen"...

Should anything be added? However, nobody is able to judge by beauty alone. Let's see other finest Russian women's qualities.

The woman's marriage age in Russia is about 23-25 years old. It means a woman gets married comparatively young. At least she tries but fails (see the census).It looks unusual if a Russian woman at the age of 30 is still unmarried. She feels uncomfortable either.
These are daily facts from the Russian woman's life:
*Being highly educated, she would prefer a stable and happy family to her career;
*Tireless commitment to her loved ones, she keeps the household herself;
*Her husband is a partner and not a competitor;
More facts?

Love and romance.

Russian woman's 'romantic sweetness' makes her search for a happy, fulfilling and loving relationship. She is extremely feminine, healthy, sexy, passionate, sensual and thankful.
Love-making is not a hard work for her: it's the pleasure and the beauty of mutual satisfaction. The truth is that the Russian woman while making love is really making love ... She wants to see the excitement in you, so give it to her! You will not regret.

You will be pleasantly surprised at the educational level of the finest Russian ladies looking for American men and marriage. A university or college degree is a common thing. It's not a bluff.
Don't forget they are spiritual. The tradition of reading books, attending concerts, museums is still alive in Russia.
Pretty Russian girls are extremely teachable: you will not believe how quickly they are able to begin speaking a new language and adapt themselves to the new circumstances.

Do you think it's easy to leave the country of birth, relatives, friends, the job, and the native language? Try... It's extremely difficult.
Ideal image? This is sure a common portrait of the finest Russian women, pretty girls, Russian ladies looking for men and marriage abroad.

If you take into account the general qualities as well as concentrate on the real woman, you'll be fine. Start focusing on the given woman, communicate with her, ask and answer questions, let her know that you are sincere. Be yourself, let her know that you care about her - any woman wants to be taken care of - how can you go wrong with that?

The notion 'Russian woman' includes women from Ukraine and Belarus as well, as they have very much in common.
There are exceptions so you should be very careful in your choice.

Apakah Makna Ungkapan Anak Emas dan Contoh Kalimatnya

Apakah Makna Ungkapan Anak Emas dan Contoh Kalimat

Ungkapan Anak Emas menurut KBBI, memiliki 3 pemaknaaan :

  1. Anak Emas yang berarti anak (budak belian) yang diambil anak oleh tuannya;
  2. Anak Emas yang berarti seseorang yang disayangi (disenangi) oleh atasannya (keluarganya, majikannya, tuannya, dsb);
  3. Anak emas yang berarti anak Indonesia yang diambil oleh bangsa lain;

Contoh Kalimat Ungkapan Anak Emas:
Metta adalah anak emas di perusahaan keluarganya. Setiap Metta melakukan kesalahan, banyak pihak yang menutupi dan melakukan pembelaan. Saat Metta mendapatkan prestasi, ekspose dan apresiasinya sangat berlebihan.
Sebagai anak emas, Metta tidak pernah merasa bersalah.

Why Couples Running Away Together ?

Why Couples Running Away Together

Elopement normally happens to troublesome teen couples. It includes not only the traditional form of eloping, where you head down to the local justice of the peace, but now, many couples are tying their knots in many exciting, out-of-the-ordinary ways.

Most couples will have a day dream and start with exciting plans of a romantic, enjoyable traditional wedding. They dream up wild ideas for creating a memorable event to start their lives together. And then... reality hits. Family members dabble their fingers in the minute details. For example, Aunt Jan offers to sing her favorite love song, in operatic voice, while you want a cellist and pianist. In addition to your family intrusions, you can see your bank account and maybe your parent's as well, beginning to plummet from all the essentials that make a wedding successful. Estimates put the average American wedding in the $20,000 to $25,000 range. And since 30% of couples end up paying for their own wedding, this can often mean the difference between having a memorable one day event and having a down payment on a home. Plus, coordinating everything... from photographer, to location, to dates, to relatives, becomes an increasingly painful experience.

Other factors have also played an important role in couples who elope. The average age of marrying couples has slowly risen since the 1950's. This has led to couples who are more independent and not as worried about pleasing parents and friends when they tie the knot. Also, due to high divorce rates, many second marriages lead couples to opt for smaller, more practical ceremonies. It also seems, in general, that social pressures have lessened in regards to non-traditional weddings.

Some couples find they have lived together for several years, and finally decide they just want to legally consummate their relationship. In fact, a large portion of elopers, some independent statistics show up to 75%, actually plan their weddings months in advance. This is much different from the common perception of an instant, spontaneous wedding... which is often how we see elopers portrayed on TV and in the media. If you have hit that point, where you are tired of all the stressful planning, all the schedule juggling, and all the money draining from your account, then maybe it's time to stop. Relax! And think about the other wedding option... eloping.

It seems that eloping is not a romantic idea at all. It is a wedding strategy that can lessen your stress and give you a lot of fun memories to share others.

Why do Women Get Attracted to Married Men?

Why do Women Get Attracted to Married Men

The hooked and booked man is like a forbidden temptation. That's what makes him irresistibly attractive to a woman. He stirs a challenge in her. She feels a sense of power in attracting a man who is already taken. What makes him the catch for her is his confidence, experience and authority. The excitement stems from the fact that he's already taken.

The golden rule here is: you want what you can't have. Soon, this man becomes an overwhelming obsession for a woman. I call it the 'forbidden fruit obsession'.

According to me, there are two reasons for women falling for married men. Firstly, wild attraction. And secondly, vulnerability. For a woman, a married man represents a certain security she craves. A woman feels that a married man - compared to a bachelor - can meet her emotional and material needs in a better manner. Getting a married man signifies a triumph of one woman over another woman. He's a trophy catch. To have him, is about making the impossible.

If a woman wanted a fling, she could have had it with anybody. But a married man at her beck and call makes her value herself more... that he's willing to throw it all over for her. It increases her self-esteem. Mind you, she's enjoying this fantasy, as much as his wooing, his experience and the way he makes her feel extra special.

Sometimes, she likes the fact that he doesn't go weak in the knees in front of her. He's a symbol of authority. This relationship is about adventure and fun. But this is dangerous fun. There's a risk of running another person's life.

Married men love playing games. They give out the vibe - 'I'm married but I'm game'. Married men are always on the lookout for fun. These are men on the prowl. For a woman, it might be difficult to resist the vibes of attraction from a married man. He makes himself so indispensable.

A married man can give you a great time. There are times when this forbidden attraction transforms into love and romance, especially if the man doesn't have a happy marriage. Not all married men are jerks, some even leave their wives and get married to women they love. But the fact is, men and women love playing power games with each other. This is a dangerous game. It can take you through highs and lows, like you've never experienced. Human beings are fragile and one learns from trial and error. So it's you have to decide, whether it is a viable option to have a relationship with a married man.

Bagaimana Sikap Anak yang Mandiri Jika Menemukan Kesulitan ?

Bagaimana Sikap Anak yang Mandiri Jika Menemukan Kesulitan

Anak yang mandiri adalah harapan semua orangtua. Anak mandiri mempunyai pemikiran dan sikap tidak bergantung kepada orang lain untuk menyelesaikan urusannya sendiri.

Ciri-ciri anak yang mandiri dapat dilihat dari beberapa contoh kecil berikut ini:
  1. Mandi sendiri dan mengenakan baju sendiri
  2. Memegang sendok makanan dan menyuapkan makanan sendiri
  3. Merapikan mainan, setelah puas bermain
  4. Bersosialisasi dengan orang lain tanpa perlu ditemani orang tua.

Akan tetapi, ada hal-hal tertentu yang dapat membuat anak bingung, dan bahkan mengalami kesulitan dalam menghadapi masalah.

Nah, pertanyaannya, bagaimana sikap anak yang mandiri jika menemukan kesulitan ?

  1. Senantiasa mengontrol emosi, dengan cara bersabar atau tidak tergesa-gesa dalam memutuskan sesuatu dan bertindak
  2. Mencari solusi, dengan cara bertanya kepada orang terdekat (orangtua, saudara, tetangga). Agar tidak terjadi kekeliruan atau kesalahan.
  3. Membuat keputusan dan pilihan positif  yang tentunya tidak merugikan diri sendiri dan orang lain.
  4. Berdoa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa, apabila merasa kesulitan yang dialami sudah diluar kemampuan.

Why does love drive people crazy ?

Why does love drive people crazy

If you talk to two persons - one who has never felt love, and other who is deeply in love, you will find them talking in a very different way. If you ask a person who has never loved about what he/she felt about the other's talk, the answer will be- crazy!

Is it true? Does love drive one to madness? It may not be madness as understood by psychiatrists, but a madness of emotions. Is that right? Why does love do that? To understand this, we have to explore more about love or romance. Is it friendship? Is it physical attraction? is it just liking for each other? What is love and what is this relationship all about? Love combines all these and goes much beyond in bonding. Lovers are bonded to each other emotionally and totally. A lover cannot imagine of a life without his/her beloved. A lover will suffer like a fish suffers without water, if he/she is separated from the beloved. Love becomes the whole life. Love gives life. Love becomes the reason of life. Life begins and ends with love. That is love. And that's why people call love mad!

How and why a lover feels like this for one's beloved is beyond any logical explanation. There is no arithmetic sum that can decide this. It is all emotional. And the emotions are so overwhelming that they engulf the whole personality. Why does a flower look lovely to all of us? Why are we attracted by the sight of a beautiful sunset? Why do we love to walk on the beach? Do we know? Can we answer these questions? Our only answer may be that- I feel happy doing it. A lover feels happy, rather so happy in love that it cannot be compared with any other happiness. One forgets one's pains, one's pleasures and one's existence when in love.

Fall in love if you still haven't and feel the madness. You will get a clue to why true lovers are called mad.

Why Is Love Important?

Why Is Love Important

So often we spend most of our time taking care of our physical needs. We make sure our bodies are fed, cleaned, clothed, exercised and rested. We also make sure intellectual stimulation and entertainment is a priority. Yet we also overlook the most important need -- love.

Of course, as a society, love is not overlooked. Popular media constantly places great emphasis on what we need to do and how we should look to attract "love". But being loved is not as powerful an emotional need as that desire to love someone else.

The need to love and care for others is built into us biologically. This need is what allows parents to forgo sleep, food, and sanity while raising their children. This need is what allows people to put themselves at risk to save others from natural disasters and human threats. This need is what makes human society work on both a small and a large scale.

Loving others allows us to put the needs and desires of others before our own. We will work harder and longer, sometimes at jobs we loathe, to provide for those we love. We will tolerate otherwise intolerable conditions to provide care for our loved ones whether they are young or old.

Love means to cherish, hold dear, and treasure. We do not hurt, harm, or cause pain to those we love; rather, we seek to relieve their suffering. It is not about wanting people; it's about wanting people to be happy. It's not about wanting to possess or control others; it's about wanting to set them free.

John Oxenham described love this way: "Love ever gives. Forgives, outlives. And ever stands with open hands. And while it lives, it gives. For this are love's prerogatives - to give, and give, and give."

Love is the grease that allows the wheel of life to continue turning. For when we love we look beyond ourselves, beyond our needs and desires. We sacrifice our time, our energy, our wishes, and sometimes even ourselves because of love. Sometimes it is for an immediate person or group that we know intimately and love completely, but other times it is for a larger group of people that we don't really know or perhaps even like. It is love that allows law enforcement and emergency services personnel to face danger. It is love that allows soldiers to risk everything. Love makes heroes every day in every corner of the world. As Thomas ã Kempis said: "Love feels no burden, thinks nothing of trouble, attempts what is above its strength... It is therefore able to undertake all things, and it completes many things and warrants them to take effect, where he who does not love would faint and lie down."

The ultimate definition of love is not about feeling good but rather about doing good. A perfect example of love in action is Mother Teresa who worked so long and so hard on the behalf of others. However we see it all around us if we look for it. Robert Louis Stevenson said: "The essence of love is kindness."

Love is important because without it, life has no meaning or purpose. As Frank Tebbets says "A life without love in it is like a heap of ashes upon a deserted hearth, with the fire dead, the laughter stilled and the light extinguished." Love allows us to be more and do more than we could ever accomplish without its power.

Kesimpulan tentang Panjang Pendek Bunyi pada Lagu Anak Ayam

Lagu Anak Ayam ciptaan siapa

Lagu Anak Ayam (Tek Kotek-Kotek) adalah lagu anak yang sangat populer, mudah ditiru dan dinyanyikan.

Lagu Anak Ayam diciptakan oleh AT. Mahmud.

Berikut liriknya :

Tek kotek kotek kotek
Anak ayam turun berkotek
Tek kotek kotek kotek
Anak ayam turun berkotek

Anak ayam turunlah empat
Mati satu tinggallah tiga
Anak ayam turunlah tiga
Mati satu tinggallah dua

Tek kotek kotek kotek
Anak ayam turun berkotek
Tek kotek kotek kotek
Anak ayam turun berkotek

Anak ayam turunlah dua
Mati satu tinggallah satu
Anak ayam turunlah satu
Mati satu tinggallah induknya


Jika digambar panjang pendek bunyi lagu Anak Ayam adalah sebagai berikut :

Apa kesimpulanmu tentang panjang pendek bunyi pada lagu anak ayam

Apa kesimpulanmu tentang panjang pendek bunyi pada lagu anak ayam?

Pada lirik lagu Anak Ayam ciptaaan AT. Mahmud, ternyata dapat disimpulkan bahwa masing-masing bait lagu mempunyai pola yang sama. Dan setiap akhir bait lagu iramanya panjang.


Why Lovers Hurt Their Beloved Most?

Why Lovers Hurt Their Beloved Most

A lover, who claims to love, can never hurt his/her beloved. Love demands that you care utmost for your beloved. You are concerned about their feelings. You make them as comfortable as possible. You keep them as happy as possible. You help them fulfill their dreams. You encourage them during tough times and you are always there for them. If you don't do this, there will be nothing called as love. The definition of love includes the qualities I mentioned.

This does happen. In many relationships it happens all through the life. Such couples need not worry to know about heaven. Their home is heaven. But in some relationships, if a lover wishes to break away for any reason including feelings of being treated unjust, the results will be harrowing.

Let us look at what will happen. As the lover who wishes to break away remembers all the investments she/he did for the love, she will feel that all has gone waste. All my sacrifices are in vain. I did so much for many years, and now what is the result? This frustration and anger is directed towards the partner. At that time the lover who is breaking away forgets that worse will happen to one she /he will be leaving. Only selfish thoughts occupy the mind.

This is the tragedy of such love. The one who is left behind might have made more sacrifices and given a lot more for love. He/she gets bewildered at why this break up is happening? It is like a sudden earthquake. That is why I asked, that if you love someone why hurt?

Why Not Send Flowers Online?

Why Not Send Flowers Online?

Life is hectic for most of us, but no one wants to miss those special occasions, so why not send flowers online? It's as easy as pushing a few buttons and far more convenient than taking the extra time to run to the flower shop on your lunch hour.

Sending online flowers in Chicago way is a breeze. The city has a wide network of cooperating florists who'll have your bouquet in the hands of that special someone within 24 hours in most cases. If you live in DeKalb send flowers just as easily with a bevy of florists just waiting to fill your order with the freshest blooms available. Many local florists do not charge extra to deliver flowers in Chicago.

When you send flowers online, you have the added bonus of choosing from a selection of standard arrangements in beautiful color photos that let you see exactly what you'll be sending. No more standing at the floral counter trying to describe what you want and hoping the resulting arrangement is what you had in mind. When you send flowers online, you take the guess work out and get just the arrangement you want.

Many florists make it even easier to send flowers online by having their designs arranged by the occasion. Think of the convenience of clicking a link and seeing an array of lovely New Baby bouquets, ready to send directly to the new mom's hospital room. Never suffer the guilt of forgetting Valentine's Day or an anniversary again. Even last minute orders can usually be taken care of if you put your order in an hour or so before closing time.

Perhaps it's more convenient to search for your floral arrangement by sentiment? Many online florists have categories for Get Well, Thank You, and I'm Sorry. Sounds pretty easy, doesn't it? Or you can send the perfect bereavement arrangement by looking in the Sympathy category. Need to send a little something to spark your special someone's anticipation of tonight's dinner date? Check out the Romance section. Whatever sentiment you wish to express, you can conveniently send flowers online in a matter of minutes.

When you decide to send flowers online, you take the hassle out of showing friends and family how much you care. For your convenience, many online florists will allow you to create an account with special dates and occasion to be remembered. You can either pick your choices ahead of time and have them sent out automatically and billed to your account, or you can choose to receive an e-mail reminder to send flowers online. Never get the cold shoulder for forgetting an important event again.

When you look at the overall convenience, there's no reason not to send flowers online.

Will You Survive a Relationship Breakdown?

Relationships connect us in this world with each other. We have many kinds of relationships-parental, sibling, friends, professional and love. We go through many phases in all these relationships. Ups and downs are part of our life and our relationships. Most of us can bear break down in most of the above relationships except those of love. Why? Who will survive a breakdown in romantic relationship and who will get shattered? Let us discuss.

The higher the attraction, the higher will be the shock. The closer you are, the break up will give you more shock. It is very simple equation. But let us remember that life is not made of equations and emotions do not behave mathematically. So it all boils down to personality. There are some who expect the relationship to break sooner or later. They are pessimists and call themselves practical. These people are never surprised if the relationship breaks. They may wonder about the reasons but will not suffer trauma.

On the other extreme, we have some people who believe that they are made for each other and that the relationship, the loyalty and the faithfulness will last for the life and if possible beyond. This is the vulnerable class. If by bad fate, they are ditched by the partner, they will suffer very bad trauma. They will never believe that this could ever happen and all their life they will spend wondering how it happened. Their faith in their partner is absolute. They trust their partners most and for them the shock of the broken trust is unbearable. They need psychiatric help. Hopefully with professional help they may recover. But at times the trauma is uncontrollable. They lose their faith in life and everyone else. The betrayal kills their inner core and the will to carry on. If you are one such type, please go into any relationship with the awareness that your partner may not be as honest as he/she looks.

Relationship is a beautiful feeling and a wonderful experience. One tends the relationship as one cares for a tender plant. One gives ones whole being to the relationship. The breakdown therefore becomes unbearable. Sometime I feel that the world is for people who are practical and never allow their heart to rule over their mind.

You Can Be Romantic!

You Can Be Romantic!

Why is it that so many people believe that they don’t have time or take the initiative to be romantic? Maybe most people don’t believe that they are creative enough to be romantic. Everyone is creative! The definition of being creative is having the ability or power to create. The word create offers a much broader definition than most people accept when it comes to the process of being able to come up with something original or simply well thought out.

Gifts that are considered to be traditionally romantic like candy and flowers are wonderful, but sometimes you need something that goes one step further. If your spouse enjoys flowers, you don’t have to settle for roses because they can sometimes become unexciting after a while! Present him or her with something completely original such as a daisy or another flower where petals can be counted. Ask him or her to play the childhood game of ‘they love me, they love me not’ and watch them pluck the petals as they go. However, don’t allow for the possibility of him or her arriving at the ‘they love me not’. Count the petals before you present the flower to your spouse and trim it so that there is an odd number of petals for the right outcome!

Arts and crafts used to be a fun break from the monotony of the school day, but believe it or not, it will come in handy when it comes to creative romantic gestures. Instead of promising that you will love him or her forever, show them. Take a piece of paper, ribbon or other material you choose and write “I love you” on both sides from end to end. Twist the paper 180 degrees and connect both ends of the paper until you have mad what looks like the figure eight. Tape or glue to ends together. You can present your love with a symbol that shows them your love for them is an endless love.

Creativity comes in many different forms! Being creative can mean creating an atmosphere. If you want to plan the ultimate romantic evening but funds are low or you simply don’t want to have to leave the house, shut down the electricity and imitate a power outage (it’s up to you whether or not you tell him or her!). You won’t have any distractions or heat, so it is up to both of you to keep the other warm and entertain each other.

Maybe romance is on your mind, but he or she is going out of town. Did you know that people on airplanes are typically hopeless romantics? Any flight attendant would be more than happy to make sure that your spouse receives a special present after the flight has left the ground. Simply approach a crewmember after he or she boards the plane and they are usually more than happy to oblige a hopeless romantic like you! (You might want to make sure that the gift is unwrapped or keep it to a single rose due to heightened security.)

Creativity doesn’t have to come in the form of gifts every single time. Gestures like getting up and dancing with your spouse when a special song comes on the radio is quite creative and incredibly romantic! Whenever the mood strikes you, allow your creative juices to flow!

You Can Improve Your Relationships

You Can Improve Your Relationships

Is there magic to what makes some relationships last longer than others? Maybe. Do some people just sit back and sulk, while others seem to let life go by right over their heads and problems? It sure seems so. Or maybe it’s just that some people learn secrets of success from their grandparents or other relatives or friends. And since the latter is probably more accurate, here are some tried and true tips from people who have enjoyed long, happy relationships.

1. REFRESH – Take time to look back, refresh your memories and share what brought you together. Especially when times are difficult, lean back and rely on these old memories as your foundation and glue yourselves back together with them (not literally, of course!)

2. DATES – Keep dating each other. Even if life seems too busy, meet at the end of the evening for something light and easy, like viewing your favorite sitcom (record it if necessary) together or playing a game of Euchre.

3. FUN – Couple tend to have fun on dates, then get married and too serious. Lighten up. Head to Yahoo Games (off main site) and join in any number of card or other games. Or head to a local rental shop and rent an Xbox or other game player and some games.

4. FORGET – No need to “always” remember the bad things that happened during an argument. Actively “forget” sometimes. Be the first to apologize and make up. Go for it!

5. SPACE – Give each other some space. Either you trust or you don’t. Get on with life, though. People need time alone and time with their mates and other friends. Be sure to give and take your fair share of space.

6. DISAGREE – Agree that it’s okay to disagree on some issues, and leave it at that. No need to create a new religion or political movement just to appease both of you. You don’t HAVE to agree on everything. And you won’t. And that’s okay.

7. MEMORIES – Make some together. Enjoy special moments, special anniversary dates and events. No need to be elaborate. For example, maybe you enjoyed watching a hot air balloon race one spring day. The next year, you might schedule time to watch it again. Make it an annual event. Collect postcards with balloons on the, playing cards, toss pillows…over time it becomes a theme.

So don’t just sit back and sulk. Take short steps to improve your relationships and let life’s problems magically pass by while you hold on to your relationship.

Improving relationships require knowing what to do and how to do it. If you follow some tried and true tips, it is possible you can also improve your relationships.

The Strangest Thing Men Desire. (And how it can make him crazy for you.)

The Strangest Thing Men Desire And how it can make him crazy for you

Have you ever felt attracted to a guy without knowing why?

Maybe you’ve even had feelings for someone you’d rather not be attracted to. Why does this happen?
How can you fall in love even though your conscious mind resists it?

Experiences like these hint at the hidden world driving our feelings of romantic attraction. That hidden world is all about emotional reactions. Emotional reactions we don’t consciously control.

The truth is, falling in love is not something we choose to do. It’s more like getting thirsty. You don’t choose to get thirsty. You just notice it. And the stronger your thirst becomes, the harder it gets to ignore.

What if I told you there is a kind of relationship “thirst” all men experience? A kind of thirst that’s impossible for him to quench on his own. Would you like to know what he’s so thirsty for?

To skip straight to the answer, check out this video
that reveals how you can trigger his thirst for something he needs and craves. Plus, I’ll show you how to ensure you are the ONLY person he depends on to satisfy this powerful longing.

Here’s why the man in your life can’t tell you what he craves most from his relationship with you…
… He’s embarrassed to admit the truth. And that’s because admitting to this desire actually moves him farther away from the goal.Here’s why…

Okay, picture a woman who feels frustrated that her man never does anything romantic. She finally breaks down and explains her desire to feel romanced and pursued by him.

But he acts like she’s being unreasonable, demanding she name one thing that’s missing from the relationship. So she gives him an example. “It would be nice to get flowers once in a while. Just simple things like that.”

The next day, he brings her flowers. But the magic of this gesture is missing. Because it doesn’t feel special to receive flowers when you had to ask for them.

It’s kind of like that with men, only with a completely different sort of relationship need. You see, men have an insatiable thirst for your admiration.

But he can’t ask for it. He can’t say, “Julie, I really like you, but here’s what’s missing in our relationship. You don’t admire me enough. You seem to have greater admiration for other men in your life, and that makes it hard for me to picture a future with you.”

He can’t say that because men believe you have to earn admiration. Asking for it is like trying to become popular by announcing you are a cool person. It doesn’t work like that.

He will only feel like your hero when you speak the non-verbal language of admiration. He has to read it between the lines of what you actually say and do.

Now, you might be thinking, “That’s not so crazy. I can understand why a man craves admiration.” But if you’re thinking that, there’s something important I need to tell you.

It’s not just that men crave admiration. It’s that he can’t sustain that “in love” feeling without it.

Nothing kills a man’s attraction faster than a relationship where he doesn’t feel needed
Nothing kills a man’s attraction faster than a relationship where he doesn’t feel needed. He wants to see himself as a provider. Someone who is admired because of his ability to provide.

You see, if he doesn’t feel needed, he feels like less of a man; emasculated. And that turns off his romantic drive.

And the worst part? You can’t just give him admiration. It only works if he believes he has earned your trust, admiration, and respect.

But here’s the good news. It’s both fun and easy to let him earn your admiration once you know how to set him up for success.

Just find ways to let him be your hero. Now, I should mention there is actually an art to doing that in a way that makes him crazy about you.

But I’ve seen women wrap a man around her pinky using this simple concept. As a relationship coach, I have seen what works and what doesn’t. But what it all comes down to is this…

You need to trigger his hero instinct.

Accomplish that, and you’ll be astonished by what happens next. He’ll become so loving, so attentive, so much more interested in a committed, long-term relationship, that you will never want things to go back to the way they were.

The hero instinct is a subconscious drive to gravitate toward people who make him feel like a hero. But it’s amplified in his romantic relationships.

Some ideas really are life-changing. And for romantic relationships, this is one of them. That’s why I’ve created an online video presentation so you can claim this secret as your own.

 Because triggering his hero instinct is one thing. Learning how to do it over and over again requires a few tips and tricks.

The fact is, women don’t need someone to rescue them. Especially in this day and age. Yet here’s the ironic truth…

Men do still need someone to rescue. Because it’s built into their DNA to seek out relationships that allow them to feel like a provider.

This one tiny difference in male and female genetics creates a BIG difference in what attracts men to the opposite sex. He feels drawn to any woman who allows him to step into the role of a hero. Because his instincts naturally cause him to thirst for that social role.

Here’s the really cool thing about this. He won’t even know why he feels so drawn to you. Which is why you can use this method under the radar. It triggers attraction at a subconscious level.

He’ll feel the undeniable tug on his emotions. But if his buddy asks him why he’s so crazy about you, he won’t be able to put it into words.

There is a hidden world driving our feelings of attraction. No doubt about it. But we now have the power to see one powerful part of that hidden world. And it’s something you can actually control.

It’s not something only chemists can see, like blood levels of the bonding hormone, oxytocin. Rather, it’s something you can see all around you once you learn to spot it.

It’s a pattern of interaction between men and women. Something relationship experts have always known to exist, but something they failed to recognize as the powerful trigger it is. A trigger that drives his thirst for companionship.

How do you use this trigger to build passion and romance?

Well, the easiest way to trigger his hero instinct is to translate your desires into a language that speaks to his natural drive to be a provider. His desire to serve, love, and protect. The desire to be someone’s hero.

If that sounds like fun to you, click here to learn more about this relationship enhancement tool. It’s something you can learn once, but then use for the rest of your life.

You already have needs and desires. Why not learn how to translate those desires into requests that trigger his hero instinct?

Then relax into the warmth and passion he is only capable of showing once a woman has triggered his hero instinct. A woman who knows exactly how to satisfy his thirst.