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Bolehkah Ibu Hamil Makan Pete? Apakah Ada Manfaatnya?

Bolehkah Ibu Hamil Makan Pete

Kalau memang sudah ketagihan makan pete apalagi saat lagi ngidam-ngidamnya waktu hamil – dan bunda pengen bener makan pete. Aduh. Sulit untuk dicegah ya bunda?

Timbul pertanyaan, bolehkah mengkonsumsi pete atau jangan-jangan akan berbahaya untuk janin?

Jawabannya boleh, karena tidak ada penelitian yang mengungkapkan mengenai efek dari makan pete untuk ibu hamil. Pernyataan tersebut disampaikan dr. Rievia Bahasoean dari alodokter. Bahkan, mengkonsumsi pete sebenarnya sangat bagus dan bermanfaat, asalkan jangan terlalu berlebihan.

Menurut dr. Rievia, pete mengandung zat yang sangat dibutuhkan oleh tubuh saat hamil, dan berikut ini adalah manfaat pete untuk ibu hamil yang perlu Anda ketahui.

8 Manfaat Pete untuk Ibu Hamil

  1. Dapat Meningkatkan nafsu makan karena mengandung asam Djenkolic
  2. Mengkonsum pete dapat mencegah stres, seperti kita tahu stres akan berdampak negatif kepada ibu hamil dan tumbuh kembang janin di dalam kandungan. Zat di dalam pete yang berperan mencegah stres adalah tripopan, fungsi dari tripopan yaitu untuk menjaga keseimbangan hormon.
  3. Pete juga bermanfaat untuk mengatasi sembelit, karena kaya akan serat. Sembelit ini akan membuat ibu hamil susah Buang Air Besar (BAB).
  4. Bagi ibu hamil yang memiliki sakit maag, mengkonsumsi pete dalam jumlah yang wajar akan dapat meredakan maag secara alami.
  5. Makan pete juga bermanfaat untuk mengatasi perut kembung.
  6. Di dalam pete terdapat zat besi yang mampu mengatasi anemia, dan tentunya sangat penting sekali karena anemia dapat menghambat tumbuh kembang bayi di dalam kandungan.
  7. Pete juga bermanfaat untuk ibu hamil karena bisa mengatasi darah tinggi karena mengandung Kalium yang berfungsi untuk meredakan darah tinggi.
  8. Selain itu, makan pete untuk ibu hamil juga bermanfaat untuk membantu tumbuh kembang mata dan bayi di dalam kandungan, karena pete mengandung omega 3.

Bahaya atau Efek Samping Pete Untuk Ibu Hamil

Seperti yang dijelaskan di atas, mengkonsumsi pete bolah saja, asal jangan berlebihan atau dalam batas normal.

Tapi jika bunda makan pete dalam jumlah berlebih saat hamil maka akan timbul bahaya atau efek sampingnya.

Dalam masalah efek samping atau bahaya pete ini tidak hanya ditujukan bagi ibu hamil, tapi juga untuk semua orang, baik hamil maupun tidak hamil, baik wanita maupun pria.

Bahaya mengkonsumsi pete secara berlebihan :

  • Bisa menyebabkan sakit perut
  • petai kebanyakan di makan dengan keadaan mentah, ini menjadi masalah karena kemungkinan besar petai yang mentah di dalamnya ada ulat dan bakteri yang bisa menyebabkan gangguan pada lambung atau perut ibu hamil. Jika ingin makan petai saat hamil alangkah baiknya di rebus, di bakar atau di goreng terlebih dahulu.
  • Penyebab Kembung dan pada perut timbul sensasi tersengat
  • Ini semua karena kandungan karbohidrat kompleks yang akan membentuk gas di perut, sehingga efek yang di timbulkan berupa sensasi tersengat dan kembung.
  • Bisa menyebabkan gagal ginjal nyeri spasmodik dan obstruksi kemih
  • Memang petai dapat meningkatkan selera makan kita, karena mengandung asam djenkolic. Tapi kandungan lainnya yaitu asam amino, yang mana asam amino ini di dalamnya terdapat zat sulfur yang sedikit beracun, jika di konsumsi berlebih akan berakibat kepada gagal ginjal, nyeri spasmodik dan obstruksi kemih.
  • Bisa meningkatkan kadar asam urat (sakit asam urat)
  • Zat purin yang terdapat pada makanan akan meningkatkan kadar asam urat dalam darah, ternyata kandungan purin dalam petai termasuk kedalam sedang dan tinggi, jelas sekali inilah penyebab mengapa setelah makan petai asam urat bisa kambuh.
  • Penyebab sakit kepala
  • Petai juga di percaya bisa menyebabkan sakit kepala jika di konsumsi secara berlebihan.
  • Penyebab rematik
  • Selain sakit kepala rematik juga merupakan efek dari memakan petai secara berlebih.

Ibu hamil boleh makan pete dengan syarat:

  1. Makan pete dalam jumlah yang wajar atau tidak berlebihan
  2. Pete yang di makan dalam keadaan matang atau di masak.
  • Pete mempunyai bahaya atau efek samping jika di konsumsi secara berlebih atau di atas normal.
  • Makan pete dalam keadaan mentah bisa menyebabkan sakit perut, karena kemungkinan besar ada bakteri dan ulatnya.
  • Bahaya pete yang saya tuliskan di atas berlaku tidak hanya untuk ibu hamil saja tapi juga untuk semua orang.

Cara Menghilangkan Bau Mulut Setelah Makan Pete

Pete dikenal karena aromanya yang menyengat dan khas di mulut, serta dapat mengurangi kecerpecayaan diri orang yang mengkonsumsinya. Nah, berikut ini sedikit tips atau cara untuk menghilangkan bau pete di mulut.
  • Sesaat setelah selesai makan, segeralah mengkonsumsi timun, karena timun dikenal mampu untuk menetralisir bau pete.
  • Gunakan pembersih mulut, seperti listerine atau betadin kumur, segera setelah makan petai berkumurlah menggunakan obat kumur secara baik dan benar. Niscaya bau petai akan hilang dan di gantikan dengan bau yang fresh.

110 Nama Anak Laki-laki Islami di dalam Al-Quran

Lagi bingung mencari nama anak laki-laki dalam Al-Quran? Nah, di sini telah menyiapkan 110 nama anak laki-laki yang mudah-mudahan dapat menjadi bahan referensi atau pertimbangan bagi ayah-bunda untuk memilih.
  1. Aabdar = Cahaya bulan
  2. Aabid = Kekuatan, orang yang taat kepada Allah, dan memiliki intelektualitas tinggi.
  3. Abdad = Rajin beribadah
  4. Abir = Penjelajah
  5. Abraq = Bercahaya Dan Berseri-Seri
  6. Aadil = Adil, berbudi luhur
  7. Akmal = sempurna atau sangat pandai
  8. Akbar = Besar, paling penting,
  9. Affan = Suci, sederhana, berbudi luhur, murni
  10. Alim =Berilmu/ ahli
  11. Alhusain = Yang tampan, berbudi luhur
  12. Amri = Menghidupkan tempat, berumur panjang
  13. Amrullah = Pemimpin yang dirahmati Allah
  14. Amir = Penguasa, Pangeran, Kaya
  15. Anas = Sangat Ramah
  16. Anis = Teman Setia, Sopan, Mesra
  17. Anwar = Cahaya
  18. Athhar = Lebih Suci
  19. Atqan = Yang Kukuh
  20. Aqil = Bijaksana, Cerdas, Masuk Akal
  21. Arif = Bijaksana, Berpengetahuan
  22. Awal = = Yang Pertama
  23. Azhar = Bunga
  24. Aziz = Mulia, luhur, luar biasa
  25. Azka = Lebih baik, Lebih Murni, Shaleh
  26. Barran = Sangat Berbakti
  27. Batsya = Kekuatan
  28. Busyra = Berita Gembira
  29. Chairil = kebaikan
  30. Daiyan = Seorang Penyeru,
  31. Dalilan = Bukti
  32. Dayyan = Pemimpin Yang Agung
  33. Dzuhairi = Berhasil dengan baik, cerdas, dan beruntung
  34. Dzuhazhin = Keberuntungan
  35. Faiz = Pembawa Kemenangan
  36. Fathan = Pembuka, Kemenangan
  37. Fattah = Penakluk
  38. Fauzan = Kejayaan
  39. Furqan = Pembeda
  40. Ghibran = Yang paling pandai
  41. Ghilman = Anak Muda
  42. Ghilzah = Kukuh Tegas
  43. Ghurafa = Tempat Yang Tinggi
  44. Hadiyan = Pemimpin
  45. Haidar = Pemberani
  46. Hanan = Penyayang
  47. Hanif = Yang Lurus
  48. Hasun = Yang rupawan dan gagah
  49. Hayat = Kehidupan
  50. Haziq = Yang Cerdas
  51. Ikram = Kemuliaan
  52. Irsyad = Petunjuk
  53. Isa = Nabi Dan Rasul
  54. Izzan = Pelindung
  55. Jabbar = Yang Gagah Perkasa
  56. Jabir = menggantikan yang hilang / membuat sesuatu yang lebih baik
  57. Jamal = Rupawan
  58. Jamil = cantik/keindahan dalam berperilaku
  59. Jawhar = Mutiara, Perhiasan, Inti sari (esensi)
  60. Jumail = Burung bulbul atau burung bernyanyi
  61. Junaid = prajurit
  62. Kariman = Yang Baik
  63. Khalish = Yang Murni
  64. Khayri = Murah hati
  65. Ma’ruf = Kebaikan
  66. Malih = Tampan, Menawan
  67. Mashur = Orang Yang Dikenal
  68. Masykur = Bersyukur
  69. Mizan = Sikap Adil
  70. Mundzirin = Pemberi Peringatan
  71. Mushaddiq = Membenarkan
  72. Mushaffa = Yang Murni, Bening
  73. Nabhan = Anak laki-laki yang mulia
  74. Najmi = Bintang-Bintang
  75. Nashih = Yang Baik
  76. Nawyan = Niat Atau Tujuan
  77. Nuzulan = Anugerah Tuhan
  78. Qadri = Kemuliaan
  79. Qamaruddin = Bulan
  80. Qawi = Yang Kuat
  81. Qayyim = Yang Lurus
  82. Qiyas = Tegas
  83. Rasyad = Petunjuk Yang Lurus
  84. Rauf = Yang Santun
  85. Rafi = Yang senang membantu dan berbuat baik
  86. Rayyan = Pintu surga untuk orang yang sering berpuasa semasa idupnya
  87. Rayhan = Orang yang berbau wangi
  88. Rizqi = Rezeki
  89. Rizwan = Saleh, Dan Berbakti Kepada Tuhan
  90. Rushdan = Jalan Yang Benar
  91. Sirajan = Pelita
  92. Sulhan = Perdamaian
  93. Sulthan = Kuat
  94. Syidan = Yang Kuat Dan Kukuh
  95. Taqiyan = Yang Bertakwa
  96. Taslim = Kesejahteraan
  97. Taufiq = Kedamaian
  98. Thazin = Anak yang rupawan nan berseri-seri
  99. Ulul Amri = Pemegang Kekuasaan
  100. Urfan = Kebaikan
  101. Wafi = Sempurna
  102. Wahid = Satu Atau Unik
  103. Waizhin = Sang Pemberi Nasihat
  104. Wajid = Maha Menemukan Dan Maha Mendapatkan
  105. Waliyyan = Pelindung
  106. Wildan = Anak-Anak
  107. Yasyfi = Melapangkan Hati
  108. Yazdan = Penuh Belas Kasih
  109. Yusra = Kemudahan
  110. Zulfan = Taman

Bolehkah Ibu Hamil Makan Pedas | Apakah Ada Efek Samping ?

Bolehkah Ibu Hamil Makan Pedas

Sudah bukan rahasia lagi, ada banyak pantangan atau larangan untuk Bunda yang sedang hamil. Tidak boleh makan ini, tidak boleh makan itu. Seringkali antara mitos dan fakta bercampur-baur, sehingga Bunda mungkin menjadi bingung, apakah pernyataan itu benar ataukah hanya mitos belaka.
Salah satunya adalah pantangan untuk makan makanan yang pedas. ‘Jika ibunya suka makan pedas waktu hamil, nanti anaknya suka belekan.’

Apakah benar demikian?

Jadi begini, Bunda. Saat hamil, keselamatan janin menjadi perhatian utama. Itulah sebabnya asupan makanan ke dalam tubuh harus dikontrol dengan baik.

Sebenarnya, tidak ada pantangan untuk mengkonsumsi makanan pedas pada masa kehamilan. Makan makanan yang pedas tidak akan membuat mata bayi yang dilahirkan belekan. Akan tetapi, untuk ibu hamil yang memang sudah mengidap penyakit maag, efek dari memakan makanan pedas tersebut dapat memicu sakitnya kambuh. Dan efek lainnya yaitu saluran pencernaan dapat mengalami peradangan, hingga diare.

dr. Atika dari KlikDokter mengatakan, makanan pedas sebenarnya tidak menjadi pantangan bagi ibu hamil. Akan tetapi, jangan sampai makanan pedas mengganggu kebutuhan asupan makanan lainnya.
“Makanan pedas boleh-boleh saja dikonsumsi saat hamil, sebab tidak memiliki efek samping yang buruk untuk ibu hamil. Tetapi bila ibu hamil memiliki riwayat gangguan lambung seperti sakit mag atau dispepsia, makanan pedas sebaiknya dikurangi karena dapat menimbulkan gejala perih dan ketidaknyamanan di lambung,” dr. Atika menambahkan.

Mengkonsumsi makanan pedas harus dihindari jika menimbulkan rasa mual dan membuat nafsu makan berkurang. Jika tidak, ditakutkan janin tidak mendapatkan nutrisi yang baik akibat ibu hamil tidak dapat menyantap makanan lainnya.

“Sementara itu, jika sebelumnya Anda menyukai makanan pedas dan makanan tersebut bisa menambah nafsu makan, makanan pedas sah-sah saja dikonsumsi oleh ibu hamil,” sambung dr. Atika.

Makanan pedas yang dikonsumsi juga tetap harus dipilih. Pastikan Bunda makan berasal dari bahan alami, bukan sambal kemasan. Sebab, rasa pedas yang didapat dari sambal kemasan biasanya mengandung MSG yang berbahaya bagi pertumbuhan janin.

Selain daripada itu, dilansir dari, salah satu alasan mengapa ibu hamil harus menghindari makanan pedas adalah karena memicu terjadinya mulas dan refluks asam di lambung, terutama pada trimester ketiga.

8 Jenis Makanan yang Dilarang untuk Ibu Hamil Muda

Pada masa kehamilan, Bunda tentunya ingin selalu memberikan asupan atau nutrisi terbaik untuk Sang Bayi di dalam kandungan. Pastinya, asupan yang Bunda berikan setiap harinya akan menjadi sumber energi bagi tumbuh kembang bayi di dalam rahim.

Namun yang perlu Bunda perhatikan, ada beberapa jenis makanan yang patut dihindari, karena dapat memberi risiko buruk. Bukan saja berdampak pada ibu hamil, tetapi juga bayi di dalam kandungan.
Untuk itu, sangat diperhatikan untuk menghindari 8 jenis makanan ini saat lagi hamil muda:

Hindari makanan laut mentah, kurang matang, atau terkontaminasi

Menghindari makanan laut mentah bagi ibu hamil perlu dilakukan untuk mencegah dari bakteri atau virus berbahaya. Contoh makanan yang dimaksud adalah sashimi dan sushi. Selain itu, makanan laut jenis kerang juga sebaiknya tidak dikonsumsi.

Hindari daging, unggas, dan telur yang kurang matang

Makanan yang kurang matang, dapat menyebabkan resiko keracunan. Reaksi ibu hamil mungkin bisa lebih parah daripada orang dalam kondisi normal. Tidak jarang, keracunan makanan juga memengaruhi kondisi janin.

Untuk mencegah penyakit bawaan karena makanan yang dikonsumsi saat hamil, sebaiknya masak hingga matang semua daging dan unggas sebelum dimakan. Hindari daging yang didinginkan, dan masaklah telur sampai benar-benar matang.

Hindari makanan laut yang tinggi merkuri

Makanan laut dapat menjadi sumber protein dan omega-3 yang baik bagi ibu hamil. Kedua nutrisi itu bisa didapat lewat ikan untuk mendukung perkembangan otak dan mata janin.

Namun, perlu Bunda ketahui, beberapa ikan dan kerang mengandung kadar merkuri yang berbahaya bila dikonsumsi. Sebab, terlalu banyak merkuri juga dapat membahayakan perkembangan sistem saraf bayi Anda.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) mendorong ibu hamil untuk menghindari beberapa jenis ikan laut dalam yang disinyalir mengandung kadar merkuri tinggi. Beberapa di antaranya adalah ikan todak, makarell, hiu, dan tilefish.

Sementara itu, Dietary Guidelines for Americans merekomendasikan dua atau tiga porsi makanan laut dalam seminggu untuk wanita hamil dan yang diperbolehkan adalah udang, teri, ikan kod, ikan pollock, nila, dan tuna.

Hindari makanan yang tidak dipasteurisasi

Produk mengandung susu yang tidak dipasteurisasi tidak baik untuk ibu hamil. Sebab, produk-produk ini bisa mengakibatkan penyakit bawaan makanan. Jadi, hindari keju dan jus yang tidak melewati proses pasteurisasi.

Hindari buah dan sayuran yang tidak dicuci

Untuk menghilangkan bakteri berbahaya, bersihkan semua buah dan sayuran mentah sebelum dikonsumsi atau diolah menjadi makanan. Hal ini dilakukan sebagai langkah pencegahan infeksi bakteri penyebab penyakit.

Hindari kafein berlebih

Walau kafein dapat terlewat dari plasenta, Bunda direkomendasikan membatasi jumlah kafein menjadi kurang dari 200 miligram sehari selama kehamilan.

Hindari teh herbal

Ada sedikit data tentang efek ramuan khusus pada bayi yang sedang berkembang. Jadi, sebaiknya hindari minum teh herbal, bahkan jenis teh herbal yang dipasarkan khusus untuk wanita hamil sekalipun.

Hindari alkohol

Tidak ada kadar alkohol yang terbukti aman selama kehamilan. Berhentilah mengonsumsi alkohol agar janin dalam kandungan Anda tidak bermasalah.
Memilih makanan sehat, manfaatnya bukan hanya diperoleh untuk ibu hamil tetapi juga bagi janin yang ada di dalam kandungan. Satu hal yang harus diingat, janin akan berkembang dengan baik tergantung dari apa yang telah Anda makan.
Makanan yang harus dihindari saat hamil muda

Bolehkah Ibu Hamil Makan Durian – “Sedikit… saja”

Bolehkah Ibu Hamil Makan Durian

Bunda lagi ngidam durian ya? Wow!

Buah yang satu ini, belum dibuka kulitnya saja, lidah sudah goyang-goyang. Apalagi sudah dibuka. Nyummy banget pokoknya deh. Sampai-sampai tidak ingat lagi sama si kecil di dalam perut….hehehe. (Jangan gitu dong, bunda).

Konon, durian dikenal sebagai buah yang dapat meningkatkan hawa panas di dalam tubuh. Itulah alasannya, kenapa di Indonesia, ibu hamil sangat tidak disarankan mengonsumsi durian karena bisa membahayakan janin atau bayi dalam kandungan.

Pertanyaannya, apakah durian memang benar-benar beresiko, dan sama sekali tidak boleh dikonsumsi oleh ibu hamil?

Ternyata, hingga saat ini belum ada penelitian yang membuktikan dampak negatif durian bagi ibu hamil. Akan tetapi, bukan berarti ibu hamil bisa menikmati durian sepuasnya. Menurut Dr. Gordon Lim, seorang ahli kandungan dan Dr. Patrick Chia, ahli perinatologi, ibu hamil boleh saja makan durian asal porsinya tidak berlebihan.

3 Resiko bagi Ibu Hamil yang Berlebihan Makan Durian

1. Gula darah meningkat

Meskipun durian dikenal sebagai buah yang tidak terlalu manis, berbeda dengan rambutan atau tebu, misalnya. Namun, durian ternyata memiliki kadar gula yang sangat tinggi.

Menurut satu penelitian yang dipublikasikan dalam British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, mengonsumsi makanan atau minuman dengan kadar gula tinggi akan mengakibatkan bayi terlahir terlalu besar dan berat, bahkan bisa mengakibatkan obesitas pada bayi semasa kanak-kanaknya.
Ibu hamil yang memiliki diabetes gestasional (diabetes selama masa kehamilan) atau riwayat diabetes dalam keluarga juga tidak dianjurkan untuk memakan buah ini.

2. Menyebabkan kelebihan berat badan atau obesitas

Tidak cuma gula, bahkan kalori dan karbohidrat yang terkandung dalam durian sangat tinggi. Dalam satu butir daging buah durian terkandung kalori sejumlah 54 hingga 60. Sehingga, terlalu banyak mengonsumsi durian dapat menyebabkan ibu hamil kelebihan kalori.
Tentu saja, hal ini dapat memicu diabetes gestasional, preeklamsia, kelahiran prematur, dan infeksi saluran kemih. Pada beberapa kasus, kelebihan berat badan juga berisiko mengganggu kerja bius epidural saat proses bersalin.

3. Durian Mengandung Alkohol

Alkohol di dalam buah durian adalah senyawa yang tidak stabil dan mudah menguap. Bukan sesuatu yang memabukan seperti khomr (minuman keras).
Jika ibu hamil mengkonsumi durian secara berlebihan, tentu saja yang ditakutkan adalah kandungan alkohol di dalam durian. Karena sangat jelas, alkohol dapat menyebabkan keguguran pada bayi, kelahiran prematur, cacat lahir, kelainan jantung, kelainan bentuk wajah, kerusakan sistem saraf pusat, dan masih banyak lagi.
Jadi, kuncinya sangat jelas bunda, batasi jumlah durian yang dikonsumsi. Cukup satu atau dua biji saja, dan jangan terlalu sering. Dengan demikian nikmat di lidah bisa diperoleh, dan tanpa efek samping yang timbul.

Manfaat durian bagi ibu hamil

Jika tidak dikonsumsi secara berlebihan, buah durian justru menyimpan segudang manfaat untuk ibu hamil. Durian kaya akan kalium yang dibutuhkan ibu hamil untuk menyeimbangkan tekanan darah dan kadar cairan dalam tubuh.

Kalium juga dapat membantu mengurangi pembengkakan yang sering terjadi saat hamil.

Selain itu, durian juga mengandung organo-sulfur dan triptofan yang dapat membantu melawan infeksi bakteri dan jamur.

makan durian saat hamil muda bahayakah sudah 5 bulan

Ini Dia Ciri-ciri Orang Hamil Dilihat Dari Raut Wajahnya

Mual seringkali dijadikan ciri khas umum tanda kehamilan. Namun, jika suami atau orang-orang di sekitar tidak pernah melihat Anda mual. Siapa yang tau, kalau Anda sedang hamil.

Bagi wanita yang sering telat haid, khususnya pasangan muda, atau pasangan yang sedang menanti-nanti mendapat momongan, mungkin ciri-ciri hamil dilihat dari raut wajah berikut ini dapat menambah sedikit ilmu pengetahuan.

Yups, apa saja-saja ciri-cirinya:

1. Muncul Bercak-bercak Gelap atau Flek Hitam

Kondisi seperti ini sering disebut sebagai “topeng kehamilan”. Secara medis, disebut sebagai melasma dan chloasma, yakni munculnya bercak-bercak gelap pada wajah ibu hamil. Seringnya pigmentasi ini muncul pada kening dan pipi.

Ciri-ciri hamil ini memang agak menyebalkan , karena bisa mengganggu penampilan. Namun kondisi ini normal terjadi. Dilansir American Pregnancy, bahkan 50 persen perempuan hamil mengalaminya. Penyebabnya adalah aktivitas hormon-hormon kehamilan yang meningkatkan pigmentasi pada kulit. Untuk menghindari topeng kehamilan, Anda bisa memakai sunblock minimal SPF 15 dan memakai topi saat keluar rumah di siang hari.

Ciri ciri Orang Hamil Diihat Dari Raut Wajah

2. Banyak Jerawat Bermunculan

Ciri hamil yang ini mungkin sangat mengganggu bagi sebagian besar perempuan. Apalagi bagi mereka yang sudah punya masalah jerawat sebelum hamil. Bisa jadi semakin banyak lagi yang muncul. Lagi-lagi ini karena kelenjar minyak yang terlalu “bersemangat” karena pengaruh hormonal.

3. Kulit Wajah Lebih Cerah Berkilau

Kebalikan dari topeng kehamilan, sebagian perempuan malah dianugerahi kulit wajah yang lebih cerah berkilau pada awal kehamilan. Tubuh Anda memproduksi 50 persen lebih banyak darah dibandingkan sebelumnya. Peningkatan sirkulasi darah pada tubuh membuat wajah ibu lebih cerah.

Tampilan wajah yang tampak cerah dan berkilau yang biasanya terjadi pada awal kehamilan ini disebabkan oleh adanya peningkatan produksi darah pada tubuh sebesar 50% dibandingkan sebelum hamil, Moms. Dengan begitu, terjadi juga peningkatkan sirkulasi darah pada tubuh yang membuat wajah ibu hamil menjadi lebih cerah.

Terlepas dari efek alami bersifat negatif yang berpengaruh pada tampilan wajah, dalam rangka menyambut calon buah hati, seharusnya, apapun kondisinya disyukuri saja dan yang terpenting jalani masa kehamilan dengan happy dan sehat ya, Moms.

5 Manfaat Buah Naga Merah untuk Ibu Hamil

5 Manfaat Buah Naga Merah untuk Ibu Hamil

Selama mengalami masa-masa kehamilan, seorang ibu hamil harus betul-betul memperhatikan semua hal yang berkaitan dengan kesehatan dan perkembangan kehamilannya. Khususnya pola makan. Apakah dapat menyebabkan kerugian atau dampak berbahaya bagi ibu dan janinnya, ataukah sebaliknya.

Salah satunya adalah mengkonsumsi buah naga merah.

Selama proses kehamilan, mengkonsumsi buah naga sebenarnya dapat memberikan manfaat yang positif bagi kesehatan tubuh ibu hamil dan janin. Namun perhatikan agar tidak mengkonsumsi buah naga dalam jumlah berlebihan.

Beberapa manfaat positif buah naga merah untuk ibu hamil diantaranya seperti dijelaskan dalam uraian di bawah ini:

1. Buah Naga Sebagai Sumber nutrisi bagi ibu hamil

Manfaat yang utama dari buah naga untuk ibu hamil yakni sebagai sumber nutrisi untuk ibu hamil menjadikan jawaban bolehkah ibu hamil makan buah naga adalah iya. Kandungan nutrisi yang lengkap di dalam buah naga membantu menjaga agar asupan kebutuhan nutrisi ibu hamil selama menjalani masa kehamilan selau tercukupi. Jumlah nutrisi ibu hamil tersebut sangat penting dalam proses kehamilan yang normal dan lancar tanpa adanya keadaan yang mengarah pada gangguan kehamilan.

2. Dapat Mencegah Terjadinya Kondisi Cacat Lahir

Bayi yang lahir dengan kondisi sempurna secara fisik dan psikis merupakan harapan terbesar ibu hamil selama menjalani proses kehamilan. Untuk dapat membantu mencegah terjadinya kondisi cacat fisik ketika bayi lahir maka konsumsi buah naga akan membantu. Manfaat buah naga untuk ibu hamil terkait dengan pencegahan cacat fisik tersebut dapat terjadi akibat kandungan asam folat dan beberapa nutrisi lain di dalam buah dengan rasa khas tersebut.

3. Meningkatkan kondisi kesehatan ibu hamil

Manfaat lainnya dari buah naga untuk ibu hamil adalah membantu dalam meningkatkan kondisi kesehatan ibu sehingga tidak mudah mengalami berbagai macam bentuk permasalahan kesehatan. Manfaat tersebut dapat diperoleh karena vitamin c dan antioksidan yang terdapat di dalam buah naga akan mendorong sisitem imunitas atau kekebalan tubuh ibu hamil menjadi maksimal.

4. Buah Naga Merah Membantu memperlancar saluran pencernaan

Gangguan pencernaan pada ibu hamil memang kerap akan terjadi dan menjadi salah satu kondisi yang sangat menganggu kenyamanan ibu hamil. Untuk dapat membantu memperlancar saluran pencernaan maka ibu disarankan untuk banyak mengkonsumsi buah berserat yang salah satunya adalah buah naga. Selain menyehatkan pencernaan, buah naga juga dapat membantu mengatasi masalah pencernaan yang paling umum terjadi pada ibu hamil yakni sembelit atau sulit buang air besar.

5. Manfaat buah naga lainnya untuk Ibu Hamil

Selain manfaat yang disebutkan diatas, ada beberapa dampak positif lain yang dapat diperoleh dari buah naga. Beberapa dampak positif tersebut diantaranya seperti meningkatkan kadar hemoglobin darah ibu hamil, mencegah kanker, membantu menghindari adanya infeksi pada tubuh ibu hamil, sumber energi, menjaga kesehatan jantung dan ginjal, serta bertindak sebagai makanan untuk perkembangan otak janin dalam kandungan.

Kandungan Buah Naga

Kandungan di dalam buah naga sangat banyak, tentunya sangat bermanfaat besar buat ibu hamil. Sayangnya tidak semua orang tahu kandungan apa saja yang ada di dalam buah naga tersebut. Agar ibu hamil yakin dengan manfaat buah naga, ibu hamil harus mengetahui kandungan apa saja yang ada di dalam buah naga. Berikut ini adalah kandungan yang ada di dalam buah naga :
  • Vitamin C ( 15 gram )
  • Karbohidrat ( 9 gram sampai dengan 14 gram )
  • Folat ( 10 gram )
  • Karoten ( 0,012 gram )
  • Protein ( 0,229 gram )
  • Zat Besi ( 0,65 miligram )
  • Fitokimia
  • Antioksidan tinggi
  • Serat ( 0,9 gram )
  • Fosfor ( 36,1 miligram )
  • Lemak ( 0,61 gram )
  • Niacin ( 0,430 miligram )
  • Air ( 83 gram )
Untuk mengonsumsi buah naga, ibu hamil juga dapat menambahkan buah-buahan lainnya di potongan buah naga, dihidangkan sebagai sup buah, atau sebagai milkshake. Hidangan ini sangat banyak disukai karena sangat menyegarkan.
Selamat mencoba 🙂

Manifestation Miracle Heather Mathews Review | Book PDF Download

Manifestation Miracle
Manifestation Miracle: Missing Ingredient of Law of Attraction Finally Found

Manifestation Miracle will show you the reason why “Law of Attraction” theory which is said as the best guidance for you to reach success never wok at all. It is real miracle on how to get success. You might not believe secret can be achieved without hard word. You will see it as scam as well. You are right because so many people have already practice the theory (Law of Attraction) yet it doesn’t work. However, you will change your mind if you notice how this manifestation miracle leads you to achieve your success without hard work. You need to forget about book or pdf which is telling about any other secret of success. You shouldn’t waste your money to download any resources related to secret of secret because you have already found manifestation miracle that reveals the missing ingredient of Law of Attraction.

What is Manifestation Miracle?

A lot of reviews from those who have already practiced Law of Attraction show that it doesn’t work at all. Therefore, it is hard to say that Manifestation Miracle is a real secret to reach success. Those who have been so pessimistic to hear about the way to reach success without any efforts will see it as a lying theory. It is acceptable if you think so. However, you need to spare your time and give yourself a moment to see how tis manifestation miracle works. You will forget that you have ever thought that it is just liar. Even, you will be pleasantly informing other people whom you meet or you know that it is a real secret behind the secret to reach success. So, give yourself time to see how this secret works for you.

Before all, you should know who the person behind this theory. She is Heather Matthews. She is the one who has already found out that there is a missing formula of Law of Attraction. For long time, people have already known that law of attraction is like a theory in which leads anyone regardless the gender, race, educational background, or age can reach success. In this case, the success is meant as the way in which they can enjoy the life as they mean to be. Everybody wants to enjoy life, right? Everybody wants to have anything that he or she wants. In this case, they don’t have to spend the time in front of the computer to work any jobs or sell any items which make him or her reach. Any effort is not necessary anymore. Do you want to know how?

In Manifestation Miracle, there is one thing that is called universal success formula of abundance. What is it? Prepare yourself to get the answer of it.

In life, people might have done work very hard yet they find no result. It is what they call failure. Frequently, they will blame themselves. They will remember what they have done in the past and try to evaluate which part that makes their work get no result. Unfortunately, it is not the effective way to get your success. Evaluating could be a recommended way at least in order to that you will not do it anymore in the future. In fact, manifestation miracle will show you the way to reach success with fast yet without any hard effort.

Manifestation Get Rid of Your Anxiety

You might answer whether there is relationship between success and anxiety. It sounds that both are contractive and they are impossible to meet. In fact, anxiety is caused by success.

Have you ever heard the story of success man but they don’t have time to enjoy what they have got? They might have been so rich till nothing they cannot buy. They spend 24 hours and 7 weeks to work very hard till they cannot do anything except work. They earn much but they cannot spend as much as they earn. Even, they can do noting with their money. They don’t have time to go to place they want to go or they don’t have time to spend the time with family or friends either. As the result, they feel anxious about their life. They notice that there is something wrong with their life.

If you feel the same, you need to take a deep breath and try to figure it out. Knowing the Manifestation Miracle will get rid of those problems especially your anxiety about your life.

What Will You Get after Knowing Manifestation Miracle?

It is the question which is usually asked by many people if they have heard Manifestation Miracle and they are in the last minute to practice the secret told in this theory. It means that they almost 100% believe that it will work. However, they need to raise this question to make it 100% perfect.

First, you don’t need to work harder. You shouldn’t try to be like your friend who has been working in whole day to earn much more money than you because you shouldn’t work harder.

Secondly, you will get great and pleasure time to do what you want. Some people believe that they have to get much money if they want to do something like holiday in a private and beautiful island. In fact, they will get in contrary. After having much money, it seems that time leaves behind. They don’t even have time to enjoy their daily life because work is always coming.

What Will You Learn from Manifestation Miracle?

It has been stated that Law of Attraction is a great theory which is introduced to lead anyone who want to reach success can have it without any hard work. However, sometime it doesn’t work well. Many people, probably you are one of them, feel so confused and disappointed because they can reach success after doing what the book said.

Is there something wrong with Law of Attraction theory? Of course no. You fail because you miss something important. You can be like your boss who has time and money altogether if you know the magic ingredient. It is ingredient which magically turns you as poor man into very rich man. With this magic ingredient, you don’t need to work harder anymore.

What is the magic ingredient? It is the missing ingredient of Law of Attraction which you are doubt after you have done anything but you don’t see any result. It is called destiny tuning. What is that? You will know it in detail when you read this manifestation miracle. You will understand a system which makes your brain work well and lead you to achieve you define as success.

The Lost Book of Remedies Dr. Nicole Apelian & Claude Davis Review | Does It Really Work ?

the lost book of herbal remedies reviews

The Lost Book Remedies is a powerful book on natural healing remedies for the modern age. In this day and age, where people are so reliant on pills and injections to remain healthy, this guide takes us back to the natural remedies that have been passed down.

People have often underestimated the healing powers of mother nature in favor of modern medicine & techniques. That’s not to say that modern medicine isn’t effective, but the problem with consuming drugs, pills and injections is that it often leaves you with side effects or causes you to become dependent on them after prolonged use.

Traditional healing methods that make use of natural herbs and ingredients do not create that dependency and in fact are able to boost your overall health and as a whole.

The reason it’s titled “the Lost Book” is because so many of these techniques have been forgotten with the rise of modern science. The herbs, remedies and ingredients that were used are also not as widespread and common as they were before. This book is not only serves as a guide to better overall health, but also as a means of preserving these important natural healing techniques that have been proven over time.

With over 300 pages of powerful natural cures that have nursed countless of others back to great health conditions, the Lost Book of Remedies was written by a certified doctor and herbalist who has a burning passion to keep the secrets of these remedies alive.

It contains some of the most exceptional cures and remedies that I’ve come across.

About The Author – Who is Dr. Nicole Apelian?

Dr. Nicole Apelian is a certified doctor, herbalist and survival expert with a strong passion for sharing her knowledge of plants and natural healing techniques with the rest of the world. She graduated from McGill University, completed her Masters at University of Oregon and PhD at Prescott College, Arizona.

In 2015, she even participated in the History Channel’s TV show “Alone” where she had to survive for 57 days straight on her own in the wild, putting her survival skills and knowledge of natural plants to the test.


What’s Inside the Book?

The Lost Book of Remedies is well structured and easy to read. The chapters have been organized based on the type of herb, ingredient and remedy so you can easily read the table of contents and skip to whichever page you want.

Here’s a sneak peek of the table of contents.

Think of it as your grand repository of cures for various ailments. There’s so much knowledge here that the average person just doesn’t have access to. For instance when I first got it I was overwhelmed by all the different types of herbs. Names like Red Beak Powder, Angry Bear Paw and Goosefoot just bounced right of the top of my head. The great think is that everything you need to know about each healing species of plants is contained within these pages so I was actually able to follow quite easily.

You’ll learn exactly how to apply which herbs to improve various areas of your life. There’s really a vast sea of information here. From spices that can make your food taste better, effective ways to detoxify your body, to even how to create your very own backyard garden of remedies. And of course what you learn may also give you the necessary survival skills in case the need ever arises.

Is This Book Suitable for Beginners?


You do not need any strong knowledge of herbs to start. As mentioned, my knowledge in the matter was really elementary at best but because the guide was so clearly worded and concise – even a person with no experience like me could understand.

I loved it so much that now I’m on my way to growing my own backyard garden with a few of these plants once I get my hands on them! No more relying on others for access to these herbs, I’m going to create my own source 😎

There are also bonuses that come together when you purchase the book.
  • The 80 Square-Feet Medicinal Garden in Your Backyard
  • The Everyday Disaster Medicine Guidebook

 lost book of herbal remedies

 Who Is the Lost Book of Remedies For?

This book works great whether or not you are suffering from some form of health impediment or you just want to improve your general health. You don’t have to be suffering from any form of sickness or ailment – in fact prevention is always better than cure!

Important: Do note that if you are currently under prescription, it is advice that you continue to follow your doctor’s instructions and use the remedies in this book only as a supplement to your current treatment.

According to the author, the powerful remedies are best for:
  • People with autoimmune disorders
  • People who have been taking pills for a long time but see little effect or signs of cure
  • Anybody who is tired of the side effects of drugs
  • If you can’t afford or don’t want to pay thousands of dollars to Big Pharma
  • To prepare for any unforeseen health crisis
  • People who want live a healthier life and improve overall body constitution


Should You Get The Lost Book of Remedies?

It’s a great book with tons of contents and remedies, but will you really use it? Let’s take a closer look at the pros and cons to help your decision.
  • Contains a wealth of information that you can come back to at any time
  • Bonus gifts: “The 80 Square-Feet Medicinal Garden in Your Backyard” & “The Everyday Disaster Medicine Guidebook
  • Written and documented by a certified doctor and professional herbalist
  • Natural remedies that work and don’t have any negative side effects
  • The book is well-structured with clear, concise language making it extremely easy to read and understand
  • It’s really affordable
  • Available in both digital and physical copy (physical copies will have additional $8.99 shipping fee)
  • 60-day money back guarantee (buy it, try it then decide if you want to pay for it!)



  • It’s not a magical cure, you’ll have to put in some effort to read the guide then follow the instructions
  • The treatments may time some time to work but often have long term benefits
  • The 2 bonus gifts are only available in digital formats (well I just downloaded them and printed them out anyway)

I’ll be honest, I didn’t finish reading the entire book. But that’s because it has so much information, I wouldn’t be able to absorb everything in one go! The great thing is that it’s very neatly organized, and I love having it around just so I can look at a remedy whenever the need arrives or just get some ideas from it. (Some of the recipes taste really good as well!)

It’s kind of like my repository for go-to natural healing remedies.

the lost book of remedies by claude davis

Does It Really Work?

As with all natural remedies, the treatments take time and require a bit of patience. Don’t expect to be instantly cured the moment you try out one of the remedies!

What I particular enjoy about them is the wonderful feeling of no side effects like those I got when using regular medicine (like drowsiness, headaches, etc). Make sure you do follow the guide and study the contents carefully before trying it out for yourself.

A small disclaimer, I just wanted to say that this book isn’t a magical cure for all of your illnesses and disease. If you’re currently on prescription it would be best to continue with your doctor’s advice since he has a lot more context as to your full medical condition.

Think of the guide as a supplement to your current that can help to speed up your recovery process. In some cases it may be able to fully cure your ailments and some remedies may help to alleviate any pain or discomfort.

Overall the book is a tremendous read and will open your eyes to a whole new world of natural healing and better health without those pesky side effects from prolonged drug use. If you like gardening and growing your own herbs then you’re absolutely gonna love this neat little bundle.

Oh and the best part I forgot to mention is that you have a 60 day money-back guarantee so it’s really almost risk-free (which was what pushed me purchase it and check it our for myself). If you’re in any way unsatisfied with the product, just request a refund and you’ll get your money back – sweet right?

the lost book of remedies physical and digital

Unlock Your Hip Flexors Review | The key to strength and vitality by Rick Kaselj

Have you ever before herd of hip flexors? Lots of people have possibly not. also for those that might have found words they might not recognize exactly what they are as well as exactly how they influence the body.

Truthfully, I had not come across hip flexor muscle mass prior to till I ran into Unlock Your Hip Flexors. I obtained interested and also determined to buy this electronic book as well as see what it was discussing. I was surprised by what I discovered.

The hip flexor muscular tissues play a whole lot in your body language. They assist you stroll, spin, bend to name a few crucial activities. As you can see, they are crucial in a number of essential features.

unlock your hip flexors book review
Sadly, you will certainly discover that also as individuals workout and also do exercises, numerous neglect to entail their flexor muscle mass. With time, these muscle mass start to tighten up and also this features a great deal of health and wellness problems. A few of the troubles that result consist of:
  • Food digestion problems.
  • Minimized sex drive.
  • Advancement of poor body position.
  • Experiencing problems when strolling, running or taking a jog.
  • Poor rest.
The over signs are simply a few of the several issues that will certainly consider on you.
So, what can you do?
This is where Unlock Your Hip Flexors can be found in. It is the life-saving chance that will certainly offer you the opportunity to stay clear of all these threats included.
In my evaluation, I will certainly explain and also give you with all the essential details to provide you a clear photo of what this item truly is as well as just how it is mosting likely to be a life-changer for you.

The Fact Concerning Unlock Your Hip Flexors

I have actually checked out much testimonials and also publications on exercises as well as workouts yet in all of them I have actually never ever seen one as distinct as Unlock Your Hip Flexors. A lot of workout programs will certainly discuss slimming down and also obtaining the physique you have actually constantly wanted yet this concentrates on an entire various measurement.

The writers developed it to clarify to you on exactly how to loosen up the hip flexor muscle mass as well as why precisely doing so might conserve you a great deal of troubles.

The overview includes a great deal of details on what hip flexors are, exactly how they impact your body and also what you can do to maintain them in leading form.

Concerning the Authors

Rick Kaselj and also Mike Westerdal are the guys that thought of this remarkable program. Rick experienced a serious back injury which was as a result of doing his workouts and also exercises mistakenly.

In a proposal to conserve his specialist job as well as discover a remedy, Rick started studying right into methods and also techniques that might aid him overcome his neck and back pain. He utilized himself as a test subject for the examinations and also finally he handled to find with the methods to finish his discomfort.

He incorporated all the approaches that he located benefiting him and also developed this amazing program.

Mike on the various other hand is an individual instructor. He is the minds behind, a website that aids a lot of individuals throughout the globe in coming to be more powerful and also much healthier.

He coordinated with Rick and also with each other they have actually relapsed their injuries and also attempting to assist others do the exact same.

They have actually been aiding greater than 100,000 individuals globally conquer their discomfort brought on by injuries. And also they do this without the requirement for medicines or clinical consultations.

You as well can sign up with the several individuals that have actually gained from this program and also in no time at all, you will certainly have reduced that relentless discomfort that has actually been troubling you.

What Does Rick and also Mike’s Unlock Your Hip Flexors Target?

The workouts as well as exercises of this training course mostly concentrate on the psoas. This is a muscle mass situated in the body that is accountable for versatility and also mobility in between your top body and also your reduced body.

Although solid, the muscle mass can conveniently be harmed by living a life devoid of workouts such as that of individuals that invest all their time resting. Which has actually ended up being the way of living for many individuals. You rest throughout the day at the office, you rest while taking a trip in between areas as well as proceed resting when you return residence.

This influences your psoas significantly. It results to limited hip flexors. And also as you know, specific difficulties comply with later on.

The program functions to have your psoas worked out as well as maintained in leading problem. This maintains your hips from obtaining harmed and also for those that have actually currently come down with the problem, the workouts consisted of in the pdf can aid turn around all that.

Just how Does This Program Job?

You will certainly be supplied with demos of different workouts that will certainly aid accomplish the goals of this publication. These workouts are developed to make certain optimal participation of the hip flexor muscle mass.

The workouts will certainly result in far better versatility and also movement. They will certainly consist of vibrant extending, flexibility extending, muscular tissue activation and also a lot more.
The writers have actually organized them in a consecutive circulation which will certainly assist reduce the anxiety. The order of their setup additionally looks for to make sure that you shed as much fat as feasible while doing so as well as develop even more muscle mass.

What Is Consisted Of in Rick Kaselj’s Unlock Your Hip Flexors Plan?

When you acquire this program, you will certainly obtain the pdf overview as well as a DVD video clip. These 2 comprise the materials of the plan. The DVD consists of video clips that will certainly show to you exactly how to perform the workouts completely to ensure that you obtain the optimum gain from them while at the same time maintaining the threats of harming on your own away.

Unlock Your Hip Flexors Rick Kaselj review


From the client examines to my very own experience being used this program, I need to confess that it is absolutely phenomenal. It has actually assisted a lot of individuals enhance their lives. Rick as well as Mike appear figured out to make certain that they supply their solutions to as lots of people as they can. This triggered them to offer the program at a reduced cost of $41.

You likewise obtain a 60-day cash reimbursement assurance duration. This offers you time to have a look at the program and also see on your own that it is not a rip-off. Along with all that, the assistance provided is additionally excellent. You can inquire any type of inquiries regarding their program as well as they will certainly return to you.


  • The program will certainly aid you enhance your sex-related wellness and also sex drive.
  • You will certainly have far better flexibility and also adaptability.
  • The danger of conditions as well as clinical difficulties that are connected with tightened up hip flexors will certainly be lowered.
  • You additionally reach slim down while doing so.
  • There will certainly be enhanced flow in your body.
  • You do not require any kind of health club subscription considering that the workouts can quickly be done in your home.
  • The workouts are very easy to execute and also just take about 15 mins to do. Consequently, also for those that have little time to extra, the program matches them flawlessly.


  • The program needs complete dedication as well as total involvement in its tasks if you intend to obtain the very best arise from them.


Unlock Your Hip Flexors is absolutely nothing else otherwise abundant in the suggestions it provides on hip flexors. It has actually been well composed as well as includes a great deal of details on the topic. Rick Kaselj as well as Mike Westerdal genuinely headed out of their method to guarantee you had everything.

the unlock your hip  flexors review

The 21 Day Flat Belly Fix System Review

The 21 Day Flat Belly Fix System Review

Have you been attempting to eliminate that big stomach or tummy, as others call it, without any success? It holds true that a few of us sometimes discover ourselves with a significant looming stubborn belly which we would certainly offer anything to be minimized.

Gluttonous individuals are the ones that are most typically connected with big tummies and also therefore we want no such associated upon us.

Have you been scammed in a quote to discover a program or item that will assist you cut your tummy? You have actually offered many shots in minimizing the stubborn belly a lot of which, otherwise all, have actually shown useless.

Minority that might have appeared to function might have done so just momentarily. Fret say goodbye to if you are such an individual. The item I am mosting likely to assess will certainly be of an also greater rate of interest to you: The Flat Belly Fix

To a terrific bulk of individuals, weight management, particularly after the age of 35 is a challenging obstacle. The fat in these individuals tends of building up in the hip, tummy and also upper leg areas for this reason the obstacle in removing it.

You might be complying with suggestions on healthy and balanced consuming from doctors as well as working out on a routine basis, normally this is not ample in aiding obtain rid of relentless stubborn belly fat. It remains in sight of eliminating this extremely persistent tummy fat that I provide you with The Flat Belly Fix.

Concerning The 21 Day Flat Belly Fix

When you listen to The Flat Belly Fix what you need to desire is a system for weight reduction that is offered in a downloadable digital book layout in addition to once a week video clip mentoring sessions.

It is a diet regimen program that asserts to be able to offer an extraordinary 100% price of success.
What this implies to claim is that each and every single person that has actually ever before provided this program a shot has actually experienced loss of weight– at the very least based on The Flat Belly Fix manufacturers.

The program provides a pledges of sharing an effective key in weight management that is rather basic, simple to execute as well as budget friendly to you. When you utilize this system, it is in fact feasible for you to drop 23 extra pounds in 3 weeks. If you have actually ever before attempted weight management, you do understand that this is no simple job.

About Todd Lamb

The writer behind this program is one Todd Lamb. That is he? You may be questioning. Todd is an ex-spouse participant of SWAT that is well prominent in the physical fitness market. He has actually additionally had the ability to writer fairly a variety of publications on physical fitness.

Todd’s development of this program sought the participation of his other half, a policeman, in a cars and truck mishap after which she had the ability to obtain incredible weight. We can claim the program’s advancement was at first to assist in her weight-loss.

the flat belly fix program reviews

How the Program Works

The Flat Belly Fix is not possibly a detailed program on diet plan. Neither is the program a detailed overview that is mosting likely to take you each day, hr by hr in your weight management trip.
What it is, is much more like a collection of techniques, ideas as well as approaches that you might have the ability to utilize to start fast as feasible weight-loss.

It has actually had the ability to point out a lot of testimonies from clients that provide favorable testimonials such as having actually shed fifty percent to one entire extra pound generally on a daily basis for 3 weeks. For all the clients, the typical weight shed varied in between 10 and also 25 extra pounds.

It is apparent that a substantial weight is dropped in a brief period of time. In order to use assistance to you in the accomplishment of those effective targets in fat burning.


With The Program

A variety of components are had in Flat Belly Fix in order to develop a program that is detailed on shedding fat. In addition, you are additionally mosting likely to discover consisted of in the plan the Slim Tummy Rest Detoxification program.

A program that is mosting likely to give you with detailed regimens to be done at going to bed which you can make use of in melting the fat in your tummy as you rest.

Consisted of in program, the 21 Day Flat Belly Fix is the unique Estrogen Harmonizing Potion dish for ladies. Todd specifies that this dish is the secret behind the success of the program.

A collection of 3 min lengthy regimens on stubborn belly slendering are additionally included which you can take advantage of in making your tummy tighter and also toning it. 3 bonus offers are likewise readily available when you purchase the program that include the adhering to;

The 21 Day Flat Belly Fix System Reviews

Bonuses of the Fat Belly Fix

7 Minute Flat Belly Protocol

This is a book composed of a collection of workouts, 7 min long, which are done 5 or 6 times in a week to make your stomach level. Bulk of the workouts below concentrate on your core and also abdominal muscles assisting in the tightening up of your muscle mass in this location and also making your stomach level without workouts that are extensive in nature.
Efficiency of the workouts can be taken on at the convenience of your residence where use of any type of tools in all in the workouts is not essential. Just how practical is that? 

VIP Online Training
This system of training VIP on the internet causes some alarm systems: the VIP Online Training is marketed by the writer as a registration that is cost-free providing you accessibility to a special mentoring team in order for you to understand fast as feasible fat burning.
Upon surpassing the advertising and marketing, nevertheless, you are mosting likely to recognize that the period in which you have the open door to this program is thirty days long.
When the thirty day expire, a membership to the VIP Online Training will certainly show up to cost you $29 for each month. This nevertheless is just for 3 months after that after that it is permanently complimentary.

Grab My Bonuses  
I’m using a wonderful e-books as rewards to those that’ll obtain The Flat Belly Fix by means of the web links on this web page (I make a compensation when you do that yet it will not cost you additional. you’ll pay the exact same quantity, however you’ll additionally have the ability to get these benefits).
  • Reward # 1 – Improve Your Power – If you are regularly really feeling worn out and also experience persistent fatigue, you might be dealing with reduced power as well as exhaustion. The trick to getting rid of tiredness as well as enhancing your physical as well as psychological power is within your reach.
    With this basic, detailed overview you can learn just how to boost your power as well as remove exhaustion and also fatigue permanently.
  • Benefit # 2 – Side Hustle Keys – If you have actually been considering means to supplement your earnings, you’re not the only one. Numerous individuals are seeking methods to gain additional money.
    Side Hustle Tricks is a detailed plan for beginning a lucrative side hustle.
  • Perk # 3 – HIIT It Tough – Believe exercising and also obtaining in form calls for investing hrs in the fitness center every day? It does not … Discover just how to promptly thaw your additional fat, develop muscle mass, as well as enter the very best form of your life with brief exercises that take simply mins!’
  • Reward # 4 – Charming Concepts for Pairs – Shock your companion without investing a ton of money and also make them extol just how thoughtful you are. Quit messing up around trying to find methods to love your companion, and also stopping working. Stay clear of impersonal or commonplace enchanting occasions. Locate hot brand-new means to move your companion off their feet.
  • Incentive # 5 – The Fundamental Survival Overview – This prevails understanding that catastrophe is anywhere. It remains in the roads, it’s within your schools, as well as it can also be located inside your residence.
    The inquiry is not whether we are secure (since no person is actually THAT protected any longer) yet whether we can do something to decrease the chances of ever before coming to be a sufferer.
    Are you all set for that unanticipated occasion? Inside this book, you will certainly learn the fundamental of survival in times of disasters.
  • Reward # 6 – Inspiring Your Method To Success – Discover the 6 straightforward actions to inspiring your means to success! You’ll learn the ideas, strategies as well as specific actions to require to ultimately obtain the outcomes you are worthy of!

Just how To Assert Your Perks?

Action 1: Acquisition The Flat Belly Fix by means of this web link or any kind of various other web link on this web page.
Action 2: Send me your invoice number and also I’ll send you the perks within 24-48 hrs. 

Final Verdict
The Flat Belly Fix Method was made by Todd especially as an outcome of him being tired with all false information doing rounds in the health and wellness market. From the intentions he desired, the info you locate inside the program is distilled to health and wellness concepts that have actually been confirmed to have a favorable weight-loss result. 

  • – It is feasible for you to download and install the program from the web definition that no time at all needs to be invested as you wait on the shipment of the program utilizing various other ways such as mail.
  • – You will certainly have the ability to discover a strong physiology as well as makeup introduction. Recognizing of the most effective workouts as well as foods on your body is attained.
  • – A variety of favorable evaluations originating from individuals that have really made use of the program is readily available in the program guaranteeing it is not a fraud. These individuals state losing of approximately an extra pound each day by taking advantage of Flat Belly Fix techniques.
  • – The program is quickly available as downloaded web content or PDF can be accessed from anywhere utilizing tools such as mobile phones or tablet computers.
  • – The program is eager not to overload you as the customer with info. What it provides to you are strategies of locating brand-new methods of persisting as well as preserving your diet regimen.
  • – When you get the item, you have the ability to obtain a 60 day refund assurance. In any kind of scenario that you wind up sensation not pleased with what the item needs to provide, you can constantly be reimbursed your cash.


  • – If you are not that a lot right into analysis, you might run into a great deal of obstacles extra so in refining the info you receive from the PDF.


An extensive mix of ideas and also approaches are included in The Flat Belly Fix which you can make use of for fast burning of fat. For individuals that have actually had obstacles in slimming down, this program can most absolutely verify to be the jump-start they call for prior to starting with regular workout and also much healthier consuming for enhanced capacity of your body to shed fat

Keto Resource : 28 Day Challenge Review – Best Keto Resources for Beginners

28 Day Keto Challenge Review

28 Day Keto Challenge is your complete guide to making the transition into the ketogenic healthy, low-carb, high protein, high fat, active lifestyle.

But why is everyone’s going keto? Because it’s a proven and healthy way to lose weight and to living great. It isn’t just a diet but rather, a sustainable, healthy lifestyle that eliminates the bad stuff from your life (mainly your diet). By doing so, you not only see significant results but you start to feel even better than you ever thought was imaginable. Though, making the transition from the modern diet to the keto lifestyle is no easy feat when doing it on your own. So, take the 28 Day Keto Challenge and by the end of it, you’ll have all the knowledge you need to succeed and it’ll be more of a habit than a challenge.

28 day keto resources program reviews

About the 28 Day Keto Challenge

It takes approximately three weeks for you to form a new habit. 28 Day Keto Challenge makes sure you have what it takes to do just that. This comprehensive program sets you up on a path for the next 28 days, so that you learn the ins and outs of the keto lifestyle. It provides you with what you need to succeed well beyond the 28 days, such as recipes, food lists, meal plans, supplements guide, and more. I’ll elaborate on this in just a moment but first, here’s a look at what you receive when you start the 28 Day Keto Challenge:
  • Keto Diet – The Basics
  • Eating on Keto Meal Plan and Tips for Curbing Cravings
  • Intermittent Fasting – Tips for Success
  • Keto and Friends – Dealing with Social Pressures
  • Keto Flu – Beating it in a Healthy Way
  • Ketosis – Tips for Staying in Ketosis
  • Macros – A Micro Look at Macro Nutrients
  • 28-Day Meal Plan
  • BONUS: Chocolate Fat Bombs and Desserts
  • BONUS: Keto Desserts
  • BONUS: Keto Friendly Avocado Recipes
  • BONUS: Supplements Guide

best keto resources for beginners

That’s a whole lot of bang for your buck but more importantly, it makes this transition into the keto lifestyle easy. Absolutely everything is taken care of for you – from the meal planning to the meals, ingredients to buy, recipes to cook up – you name it.

The really great thing is that the 28 Day Keto Challenge can be downloaded right onto your desktop, laptop, smartphone or tablet. This makes it easy to stick with the ketogenic lifestyle for the 28 days and well beyond because you have what you need whenever you need it. For example, if you’re struggling with the keto flu, pull that portion of the program up on your tablet and read away. If you’re out with friends and having a weak moment, pull up the Keto and Friends eBook on your smartphone and remind yourself of the ways to overcome these hurdles. It’s like having a keto coach with you at all times.

Now, if you don’t think you have what it takes to commit to making a healthy change for 28 days (you do!), there is a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee to give you that extra boost of reassurance. If you decide you’d rather just continue the way you currently are, feeling exhausted and sluggish due to poor diet choices, that option is available to you.

Brief Overview of the 28 Day Keto Challenge

The program may only be for 28-days but don’t be mistaken, it’s incredibly comprehensive. The 28 Day Keto Challenge is designed to teach and provide you what you need to complete this healthy lifestyle change. It’s a starter guide to forever because, by the end of the challenge, the keto habits and regimes will come to you naturally.

28 day keto challenge meal plan

Let’s take a sneak peek at some of the things you receive from each portion of the program:

1. Keto Diet – The Basics 

Learn the basics and benefit of the keto diet such as how it works, who it works for, and why it’s an excellent transition to make. You also receive detailed keto shopping lists in this section, making grocery shopping a breeze.

2. Eating on Keto Meal Plan and Tips for Curbing Cravings 

10 breakfast recipes, 14 lunch recipes, and 14 dinner recipes, oh my. Add in some snack options and healthy tips to overcoming cravings and that’s what you get in this portion of the program. It also comes with a 28-Day meal plan!

3. Intermittent Fasting – Tips for Success 

Learn about intermittent fasting and the benefits of combining it with the keto challenge. There are five styles to choose from but intermittent fasting isn’t a requirement, just a recommendation to maximize your results.

4. Keto and Friends – Dealing with Social Pressures 

Discover the most effective tips and tools to overcome those moments of weakness when you’re out with your friends.  Surviving social pressures is often the hardest part of making a lifestyle change but this portion of the program has you covered.

5. Keto Flu – Beating it in a Healthy Way 

When making such a significant change, your body will react and produce flu-like symptoms until it’s used to not having all of the junk you’ve been feeding it for many years. This part teaches you the steps to making this temporary situation even more temporary.

6. Ketosis – Tips for Staying in Ketosis 

Discover more helpful tips for staying in ketosis to maximize your weight loss. You also learn how to know if you’re in ketosis.

7. Macros – A Micro Look at Macro Nutrients 

Learn how to break down the macros – how many grams of protein, fat, and carbs you’re eating each day and how to calculate your macros to stay in ketosis.   


Don’t forget the four bonus programs you receive that provide you with even more helpful tips and recipes:
  • BONUS: Chocolate Fat Bombs and Desserts
  • BONUS: Keto Desserts
  • BONUS: Keto Friendly Avocado Recipes
  • BONUS: Supplements Guide



If you’ve ever thought about starting keto (and even if you haven’t), there’s no better way to do it than with 28 Day Keto Challenge. This comprehensive program acts as your personal and complete guide to making the transition, with recipes, shopping lists, meal plans, healthy tips, valuable information and more. Add in the 60 Day Money Back Guarantee and you truly have nothing to lose. Well, other than all that junk the modern diet has been putting in your body.